Last year, in the American state of Utah, a law was passed that determines that if someone denounces a book for its inappropriate content, it must be removed ipso facto from schools and then it must go through the evaluation of a committee of educational leaders. Usually, educational managers confirm the decision to withdraw it. It is a norm that is used above all by conservative groups to censor books with LGTBIQ content.

Now, however, a father has decided to use the law in a way its promoters did not anticipate. The man has denounced the Bible because it is a book that includes pages that talk about “incest, onanism, bestiality, prostitution, genital mutilation, fellatio, dildos, rape and even infanticide.”

The complaint was made in December and the final resolution has now occurred. It has been withdrawn from primary school libraries. Even the legislator Ken Ivory, of the Republican Party, who was one of the promoters of the law, has welcomed the decision and has recognized that for children it is “a complicated reading.” He would not have read it before, it is evident. He says that “traditionally, in America, the Bible is best taught, and best understood, at home and around the fireplace, as a family.” I guess this way, when they come across lurid bits, they skip over it and move on until they get to more idyllic pages.

So evident is the link of the Holy Scriptures with unleashed lewdness that in pornographic portals –Pornhub, without going any further– there are videos dedicated to it. Type “bible” or “bible study” in the search engine. Videos appear of people dedicated to reading the holy book while practicing the full range of possibilities that it details. Banning the Bible in schools is the best way to promote it and make the creatures devour it.