In a moment in which the desescalada by the pandemic of the coronavirus is about to reach its end, Oriol Mitjà , infectologist, hospital Germans Trias i Pujol has recalled that the health crisis is still alive. “We have experienced a fraction of what the virus can do,” he warned in a statement to RAC1 .

This investigator has admitted that the current situation is good, and what has been attributed to various factors. One of them, the weather. Also the measures of confinement, distancing, and personal hygiene. “We have done very well.” But has warned that the virus continues to have “the same capacity of transmission and lethality”, recalling at the same time that “95% of the population is still susceptible,” spread: “Only 5% have been infected.”

Is evidence that the virus will return in the fall”

It has been assured that in the autumn the virus will return with the cold –“it is an evidence”, he argues – and has expressed the view that epidemiologists suggest that “the next wave may be bad since that will have a longer tour, it will last more months.” In this sense, has highlighted the importance of doing things well during the summer for the second outbreak to start later.

in the face Of this second wave, has pointed out that you will have to make “strategies of estrangement flashing” that will include restraints, although it has nuanced than they might be by zones, according to if it is done “surgery thick or thin”.

confined Spaces

Also, has stressed that there will still wait for the celebration of “event group”. In this sense, he remembered that in “the closed spaces, there is a 20% higher risk of transmission of the virus”.

with Regard to schools, it has been shown to be favourable to open in September, “but with the necessary precautions” because, he recalled, the children are also carriers of the virus although it is “less susceptible” to pass it on and develop the disease.

In regard to the opening of borders, has indicated that the arrival of people from outside certain territories, where the incidence has been low -as is the case of Mallorca – leave these territories in a situation less beneficial “in the face of the autumn because the starting point will be worse. “

Many things to learn

it is argued that there are “many things to learn from the experienced situation”, and in this sense has made reference to the controversial 8M. “There was a lack of common sense,” he assured. “In the first week of march there were already hundreds of cases. It was said that there was no community transmission, but the Government was cheating himself. Only the practiced tests to people who would have been in other countries or people who come from outside, but not to indigenous peoples”.

in spite of everything, it has been shown convinced that “there was no bad faith,” but “failed to seek counsel from the best experts in the field”.

there Was a lack of common sense the 8M”

One of the things that, you understand, you will need to improve to successfully cope with a new wave of the virus is “the rudimentary technology that is used for the follow-up of contacts.” “Do not make it serve or in Papua New Guinea”, has regretted. Was in favour of using mobile technology -bluetooth, systems, QR – to carry out this task and has regretted that currently use programs such as Excel for this question.

“There are things that could have been done better. [The rulers] have been very guarantees. For me, premium the speed at the time of saving lives,” he underlined, while he complained that the leaders “have not made self-criticism” and “they have not left help by the experts”. In this sense, has assured that he criticizes “permanently”, admitting he could have said things differently: “I have Not managed to convince the politicians”.

there Have been people who have not seen it that had criticized the Government of Pedro Sanchez”

he explained that “there have been people who have not seen it that had criticized the Government of Pedro Sanchez” and that no one of “the socialist” has done to her case. He detailed that he sent letters to the “leadership” of the PSOE to convey the concerns of the scientific community and has regretted that “there were no permeability to reach out” to them.

he assured that he made several attempts to talk with them, even through a former president of the socialist government, but never received a reply and therefore made a “harsh critique” on the management that was done. In this sense, has recalled that he “denounces” all the things that seem “unfair”.

you Have recommended, the fruit of the lived experience, the creation of “a platform of intelligence epidemiological, that the next time a Oriol Mitjà in turn lift up the voice, to have the recognition that it is a warning valid, and you make your case.”

Attempt of politicisation

it has Also been shown critical with the Government of the Generalitat. “Have you not heeded my recommendations for the desescalada ”, – has told and has added: “they Have a more conservative view. In the face of risk, I prefer to spend that stay short”.

he assured that he has “attempted to politicize”, but it has been argued that “always” has acted “as a scientist”. “I denounce the things that to me seem unfair. I am very honest and transparent,” he concluded.

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