The full city Council from Teià (Maresme) held last may 28, accepted by unanimous vote of all the municipal groups the transfer of the old composting plant and sludge treatment of the Agència Catalana de l’aigua (ACA). In this way, the Generalitat, gives his nod to an old application that dates back to the year 2015.

five years Ago the city Council requested the assignment of an external space and an area porticoed to do a logistic centre for biomass which to store and transform into chips up to 10,000 tonnes per year of pine trees affected by the pest beetle Tomicus that each year was expected to remove from the forest in the area of the park of the Serralada Litoral and Montnegre i Corredor.

In may of 2019, the city Council expanded the request to all of the equipment for locating, in addition, the storage of Municipal Services. In that decision influenced the remission of the plague and the agreement of the municipal groups of CKD-Compromís amb Teià, GT and JxCat to explore an alternative to the nave of the Brigade Municipal.

This last formal request of the city Council has finished now with a favorable resolution of the director of the ACA, dated may 11, 2020, to “make effective the transfer immediately”. In particular, the ACA authorizes the city Council to implement “uses compatible with the nature of the facilities” and “other ” uses environmental municipal competence”.

The installation of the treatment plant sludge in Teià will be the new ship of the brigade (Aj. Teià)

According to the mayor, Andreu Bosch, the new location will allow you to “rearrange the Maintenance Service and release the ship rental who now occupy the estate of the Bòvila”, located in El Masnou, as well as the stores of the Torrent de les Monges and the old’escorxador.

The composting plant sludge is a facility of the government which is disused from that in 2000 there was a leak of toxic gases that caused the death of three workers. The facility is located on the site of the Pump, between the Wastewater treatment Station (WWTP) and the Desechería joint of Alella, Masnou and Teià. The solar has a surface area of 12,000 square meters and has a vehicle access located on the promenade of Massarosa.

inside the estate there are several buildings, but the city Council only intends to use a part. For its part, the ACA agrees to remove all elements and metal structures in the environment.

In principle, the city Council will enable two covered spaces of 2,100 square meters: 1.780 meters will host the store itself (with parking of vehicles, access control, locker rooms, toilets, workshop, welding, hoists, meeting room and various work spaces) and 320 metres and will be allocated to the area of loading and unloading of material and goods.

as stipulated in the Municipal Action Plan 2019-2023, the city Council will draft a project executive to determine all of these requirements. The adaptation work will require an estimated investment of € 330,000, according to the memory prepared by the Municipal Technical Services in July of 2019. The mayor explained that this item economic is reserved and available, since it corresponds to the amount of use means derived from the urban development sector of the Mercadona.

The same document estimated at 18,000 euros annual costs of maintenance, conservation and security, including the civil liability insurance and own damage, the procurement of supplies and the property tax.

According to the Department of Administration to the heritage value of the site and the facilities is approximately four million euros. The resolution of the ACA states that the Municipality must draw up an annual action plan which considers the actions of adequacy are planned, as well as any other investment “not ordinary” that go beyond the tasks of maintenance and conservation.

Legally, the transfer takes the form of a “state-owned land concession” of the facility and are initially set for a period of 30 years, with the possibility of extension or renewal if any of the two parties does not indicate otherwise. If this is the case, the ACA may revoke or resolve in advance the concession for “cause of force majeure or because of circumstances supervening public interest”, and therefore should compensate the town Hall, and it could “put an end to what it considers may be of interest “, whenever you communicate with a minimum of two months.