La Roca returned this Sunday to La Sexta with, among other topics, a discussion about one of the most common myths in sexual relationships between couples. We talked about saying you have a headache so you don’t have sex. An excuse that, in the program presented by Nuria Roca, they tried to dismantle.

So much so that, when Juan del Val wanted to give his opinion on the matter, he did so with a sexual comment in between. Something that the presenter wanted to stop because, according to her, that was irrelevant. Once again, the scene starring this live couple once again leaves viewers glued to the television.

It all started with the following question: “What excuse is the most common when you don’t want to have sex?” And it is one of the most widespread myths among couples. To dismantle it, the La Roca commentators gave their point of view on the matter. Carmen Lomana, for example, was very clear: “Well, I don’t feel like it.”

An answer that left Nuria Roca stupefied: “Directly? But that’s not an excuse!” And here, Lomana said: “Well, my head hurts.” Here Sara Ramos took the floor and put on the table a study that says the opposite: “The most effective measure to relieve headaches is sex.”

And the fact is that “when we have sex, we release endorphins and those endorphins are natural pain relievers. At the same time, there is a dilation of the blood vessels that go to the brain and it relieves the headache,” said the collaborator, who then gave way to a video by the famous tiktoker Farmacéutico García.

Then, the debate was reopened. For Lomana, “men never hurt anything and they are always willing” to have sexual relations. On the other hand, Gonzalo Miró does not agree. “Does Juan [del Val] tell you that his head hurts and do you believe him?” He asked the presenter directly. “Well, but Juan sometimes has migraines,” Nuria Roca revealed, laughing.

This is when Juan del Val came into action with the following comment: “I was looking at this very lame information that Sara has given. The blood vessels in the brain dilate… What about those in the brain? With this comment, the writer was referring to a sexual connotation, so his wife decided to stop him in his tracks so that it wouldn’t go any further.

“John, please. Let’s leave it there. We are going to get into swampy terrain and maybe there is no need,” he asked. “How do you like swampy terrain…” Del Val concluded with a tinkling tone.