The general secretary of Vox, Ignacio Garriga, has explained that his party has broken its relations with the PP leadership after verifying that the main opposition party “does not want to go hand in hand” with them “to stop the coup d’état” which, in his opinion, the “ringleader” Pedro Sánchez is perpetrating with the amnesty and his pacts with his independence partners. However, Garriga has clarified that his party will continue to collaborate with the regional leaders of the communities where he governs with the PP.

Garriga, in a press conference from the national headquarters of Vox after the meeting of the Political Action Committee of the party chaired by Santiago Abascal, denounced that “a pact between PP, PSOE and Sumar is being signed” to “share the commissions” in the Congress of Deputies and has reproached the PP for “calling demonstrations on Sunday” to protest against the amnesty but reaching an agreement with PSOE and Sumar for the Congressional commissions. “It is evidence that the PP does not want, is not willing to take part in this coordinated action to stop this coup by Sánchez,” lamented the general secretary of Vox, who stressed that Feijóo and Génova “have decided to go one way.” .

Garriga has regretted that since its formation the PP has been “offered all types of coordinated cooperation” to stop what they insist on calling a coup d’état and that in return they have only received “attacks, contempt and pacts with PSOE and Sumar”, which which, in his opinion, means normalizing “a situation so serious” that it requires, in his opinion, “putting aside the acronyms and defending the nation.”

The far-right party intends, among other things, for the popular party with its absolute majority in the Senate to prevent the processing of the amnesty law proposal when it reaches the Upper House, something that Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s party refuses to do, although at the time they approved a reform of the regulations that will allow its processing to be delayed.

Garriga added that, despite this incomprehensible attitude of the PP “that Spaniards do not understand”, Vox will continue working in the institutions, at the local and regional level, to “give the response that the seriousness of the moment deserves.” The general secretary of Vox has asserted that his party will continue to lead the strategy against “Sanchez’s coup” in four different spheres: the international, the judicial, in parliaments and in the streets.

And asked about the possibility that his party would stop supporting the street mobilizations called by the PP from now on, Garriga responded that “this is not the time for acronyms or parties, but rather for defending the nation” at a time of maximum severity. For this reason, he has confirmed that his formation “will continue to attend these demonstrations, whoever calls them.”

On the other hand, Garriga has assured that his party will not participate in the event celebrating the anniversary of the Constitution, which will be held this Wednesday in Congress, since “Vox does not participate in theaters” and “will not be next to those who “They are attacking the Constitution and blowing it up,” referring to the PSOE and Sumar.

Garriga added, in relation to the institutional events next Wednesday, that “there is nothing to celebrate next to those who want to advance their totalitarian project” and highlighted “the cynicism of Sánchez, who is capable of coming out very worthy of commemorating the Constitution while on the other hand he breaks it into a thousand pieces.”