Editorial of the ” World “. In sixteen months, the mandate of Emmanuel Macron will be completed at the end of the quinquennium particularly struck. Few things remain of the original intention of the president of the Republic to carry out “transformation” of the country. One year on, the crisis epidemic has reversed the priorities and impose his own tempo, without the track to the end. In this context, the traditional greeting to the French presented the December 31, was originally seen as a lesson of humility. Not ad specific, or declaration of martial relating to the place of the year.

Read also, Emmanuel Macron presents his wishes to the French : what to remember

Echaudé by the magnitude of the second wave, the head of State has learned to be wary of his temperament voluntary and optimistic. Even if the vaccine is there, the country is still promised a long trial health. The curfew has just been advanced in the departments most affected, and the scientific council considers it likely that a “recovery uncontrolled” of the epidemic after the festivities of the end of the year. At least during the first few months of 2021 will therefore be marked by “restrictions” and “sacrifices” that have been the lot of the past year, has assumed Mr. Macron. In addition to the strong impact of the economic crisis, which will lead to an increase in unemployment. After the “what it costs” by 2020, the head of State speaks now of the “whatever happens” by 2021, so finding fatalistic in the face of a virus that has not said its last word.

“hope,” advocated by the head of the State

Despite everything, four times, Emmanuel Macron has called for “hope,” based not only on “the human genius” which has led to the prompt arrival of the vaccines, but also on the mobilization of the French. Powerless to draw with certainty the future, the head of State intends, however, to take advantage of the crisis to correct the lack of empathy which he is accused. Sanding an unusual name of French and French that are illustrated during the crisis, it has sought to break the verticality of his action and tried to create a positive momentum around the resilience and heroism in everyday life. All for the price of a work of fiction, that ” a people united in the race “.

Article reserved to our subscribers also Read Emmanuel Macron formula of the “wishes of hope” for 2021

In reality, the pre-election year, which opens an accelerator divisions. Vaccination has hardly started that the executive is already caught by the opposition and a part of the medical profession who accuse her of an abundance of caution. A few hours before the intervention of the head of State, the minister of health, Olivier Véran, had to speed up the tempo by announcing that the staff of the health volunteers, aged over 50 years, will be vaccinated starting Monday. In the aftermath, Emmanuel Macron said that he would not leave ” a slow unjustified settle down “.

As in 2020, the management of the epidemic will remain the decisive criterion for judging its balance sheet. In spite of the misfires on the masks, on the tests and defiance persistent with respect to the political leaders, the head of State has managed so far to maintain his base in the election campaign. But the final test will be that of the vaccine.

his success will depend on its ability to induce the most optimistic part of the population around a reconstruction project on the horizon 2030, mixing now closely, as Mr. Macron has outlined Thursday, the european construction and identity, the French economic recovery and the ecological transition, the defence of secularism and the fight against discrimination. The hat leaned to the youth, great sacrificed the health crisis, as was done to install a dynamic around the ” new morning French “. For the time being, this remains only a slogan.

The World

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