* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In Vergós Guerrejat, a population entity in the municipality of Estaràs, in the Segarra region, I was able to access the church of Santa Maria Magdalena, where I captured this photograph of the painting on the main altar. It is full of elements, but today I am going to draw your attention to one in particular: the incense burner or botafumeiro.

In total, two appear in this work, but will you be able to find them in this image that I am going to show you below? This is the visual challenge that I propose to you today in The Readers’ Challenge of La Vanguardia. Let’s play?

A censer or botafumeiro are containers used for the incense of aromatic materials such as incense, for ceremonial use in certain religious celebrations.

Already documented in Jewish antiquity and even in Egyptian and Greco-Roman antiquity, they were adopted by the Church and are thus represented in frescoes and miniatures from codices of the Early Middle Ages. The oldest preserved specimens are from the 12th century.

After this explanation, I ask you: Have you already managed to see where the two censers appear in this mural painting of the altar of the church of Santa Maria Magdalena? Yeah? Not yet?… I would say that today’s Challenge is not very difficult, but I’m going to make it even easier. I now show you in detail the botafumeiros we are looking for.

Isn’t it true that you have already managed to solve the Visual Challenge? Yes?… In any case, I’m going to show you the main photograph again, but this time I’m going to point out where the two botafumeiros are. It’s the solution.