Victoria Álvarez was a fundamental piece in putting together the Catalonia operation. The ex-lover of the eldest son of the Pujols provided information about the alleged hidden funds of the family abroad and maintained a close and fluid relationship with the patriotic police for years from which he regularly received money, according to the analysis of the Villarejo agendas carried out by La Vanguard. In those notes, Villarejo details when she must make the monthly payments to Álvarez for the information provided, money that is deduced that it comes from the reserved funds of the State. In May 2015, after three years of collaboration, monthly payments and larger amounts in extraordinary payments, Álvarez claims a lifetime pension for the services rendered. “Vicky wants compensation for life for what she did in Catalonia,” writes Villarejo on May 19, 2015. The petition is submitted to the leadership of the Ministry of the Interior. Former inspector Antonio Giménez Raso and collaborator of Villarejo transferred Vicky’s claim to Francisco Martínez, then Secretary of State. The agenda does not clarify whether the request is validated.
Vicky appears on the agenda with almost weekly contacts or communications with Villarejo and his entourage. In 2013, Villarejo notes: “Vicky says that she has only received 30”; refers to 30,000 euros. In December 2014, Victoria Álvarez received “30 and another 20 later”, details the ex-commissioner.
The woman’s relationship with the police intensifies as the accusations against the Pujols come to fruition and Vicky acquires a leading role as a confidant even on other issues far removed from the Pujol family. According to the notes, she provides a contact for “the Sandro Rosell issue”, another of those affected by the patriotic police maneuvers.
Victoria Álvarez has always denied that she charged the police for information about the Pujols. The last time she was in an interview in El País last August. However, in that interview she did admit to having charged the police but for other orders. Her first contact with this framework dates back to a meal at the La Camarga restaurant with Alicia Sánchez Camacho on July 7, 2010, a meeting organized by Rajoy’s chief of staff, Jorge Moragas, with whom Vicky shared a desk. She maintained a relationship for three years with Jordi Pujol Ferrusola in which, according to her, she witnessed how he loaded bags of money in Andorra and took them to Spain as well as endless irregular businesses in Latin America. Those revelations that were recorded by the Method 3 detective agency after hiding a microphone in a vase that presided over the table were the starting point.
The information remained fallow until in 2012, after the massive Diada, the Catalonia operation was activated. At the same time, in October of that same year, Alicia Sánchez Camacho met with Maria Dolores de Cospedal at the Husa Princesa hotel in Barcelona. There they comment on the Catalan situation and the president of the PP comments on the information about the Pujols that Victoria Álvarez provided her. It is from then on that Villarejo and the rest of the commissioners contact the woman who becomes a regular source for the patriotic police.