The Confederation of Associations of Mothers and Fathers of Students of the Valencian Community “Gonzalo Anaya” has requested the withdrawal of the PP and Vox amendments to the gambling law because they “favor betting houses and gambling addictions” near the schools and institutes, and has demanded that the distance of 850 meters be maintained between the two.

According to the entity in a statement, they oppose the amendments of the PP and VOX in the law accompanying the 2024 Budget of the Generalitat, which is intended to “give the green light to gambling and betting houses without any type of limitation of distances with educational centers”.

For this reason, representing the 1,083 associations of mothers and fathers of students, they warn that the amendments to the gaming law “only respond to economic and political interests and, in no case, have a criterion of social protection of childhood, of adolescence and youth.

The president of the Confederation, Rubén Pacheco, assures that it has been proven that placing betting and gaming houses near schools and institutes “increases gambling addictions in the most vulnerable population.”

Pacheco points out that economic interests “cannot be above public health, social well-being, education, youth and childhood” and therefore requests that the amendments or changes to the Gambling Law not prosper. “to protect society from the effects of gambling addiction.”

It also addresses the parliamentary groups of Les Corts Valencianes that have promoted them (PP and Vox) “so that they withdraw them”.

Likewise, FAMPA-València disapproves and condemns that the Valencia City Council has eliminated the item to combat addictions in the 2024 municipal budget, allocated at 400,000 euros.