Soon, there is not a vaccine against the Coronavirus, but everyone wants them.

In a study at the University of Hamburg was investigated, as it is the Impfbereitschaft against Covid-19. In Germany there are strong regional differences.

▶︎ In the Northern States would have 63 percent to vaccinate.
▶︎ In the Eastern länder, there are only 52 per cent.
▶︎ In the Western provinces, want to get 57 percent of the vaccination.
▶︎ In the southern part of the readiness is 55 percent.

The North reject 15 percent of a vaccination, in the East it is 23 percent. In the South, 18 percent, and the West, with 20 per cent, lie in between.

This is the result of an on Tuesday published a representative survey of the Hamburg Center for Health Economics (HCHE).