When it comes to elections in the United States, looks at the world every four years on the women or men who want to to the White house. In the middle of the term of office of the President, the so-called Midterms. This year the attention for the mid-term elections is particularly large, under a President Donald Trump has deepened the divide in America again, and not only in the Congress, it goes to a lot of.

All of the questions in the Overview: Who will be chosen? What is at stake? What are the political factors play a role? What are the chances of the Democrats to take the majority in the house of representatives? What is the meaning of would have been a success for the Democrats in the house of representatives? What are the chances of the Democrats to take the majority in the Senate? What is the meaning of would have been a majority change in the Senate? The elections mean a new “year of women”? What is the significance of the elections in the States? View more of Who is elected?

6. November will be elected to the United States, all the members of the house of representatives (435) and 35 of the 100 senators, and senators. The members shall serve two years, senators six. In 36 of the 50 States and three territories, the governors are also to choose from, and many Federal state parliaments, to be re-occupied. It is the first country-wide elections since the appointment of Donald Trump, so, indirectly, a test of the President. Because of trump’s polarizing decisions between elections, more than usual, also a Referendum on his policies. The voters of both parties, especially after the highly controversial Kavanaugh decision, the letter bombs to politicians of the Democrats and the assassination of a right-radical anti-Semites on a synagogue in Pittsburgh applied.

This could be crucial because the participation in the Congress elections is usually significantly lower than in the presidential election: the party has in November, is a great advantage, which creates it better, to motivate their base to actually vote – the Republican base is usually much more reliable. Despite the strong influence of national issues, such as the fundamental dispute over the health insurance, many candidates in the electoral districts in this year with a view to local conditions selected.

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What is the game?

most of all, it is a matter of which party controlled the two chambers in the US Congress. Currently, the Republicans in the house of representatives and in the Senate the majority. So President Trump may rule, at least potentially, easier. In practice, he could not always rely on his own party and the content-related coordination between the White house and Congress worked anything other than smoothly – such as the chaotic Experiments have shown that under a Barack Obama approved health insurance to get rid of.

the Republicans Keep their majorities, or build even, should you push your conservative Agenda of tax cuts to cuts in social security systems. The other way around, if the Democrats win in one of the two chambers, the upper hand, you can block the legislation of the Republicans, but not necessarily their own initiatives. As far as both parties, in the meantime, in all policy fields apart, there are only a few Overlaps that could create a compromise.

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What are the political factors play a role?

The major conflicts at the national level, the election of deputies and senators to influence how far, there is little to be foreseen. The first two years of trump’s presidency, a growing part of American society against him and thus against the Republicans applied, and the popularity values to see at first glance, disastrous. On the other hand, a not insignificant base stands firmly behind Trump. And behind those Republicans, at the mercy at the side of the President.

The strategy for all States, there is not, and so the election campaign is different everywhere: Not all Democrats will have a hard Anti-Trump-the-line strips, not all Republicans, it is a help, if Trump is drumming for you. But what ever may be in some places, the ultimate topic, two things the candidates do not come over. The voters are polarized the inside through the appeal of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court and also had been radicalized. It is not for the Republicans as well as Democrats is hardly possible to position – if you were not involved in anyway, even as incumbent senators in the decision. On the other hand, many observers believe the impact of the continued strong US economic data in favor of the Republicans. Even if it is somewhat controversial remains, what share of it Trumps policy, and whether the recovery is durable.

It is expected to arrive for each individual candidate and each candidate of the Republicans, whether in your district is sufficient, the reliable Trump-the Basis for success, or whether you need to convince Moderate, Undecided, or especially many women, in order to win. From the perspective of the Democrats, it looks similar to this: The progressive some of the candidate candidates in a few States, the more difficult it is to reach the center of the electorate.

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what are the chances of the Democrats to take the majority in the house of representatives?

At the Moment, the Republicans dominate the house of representatives with a 235 out of 435 Seats, with seven seats are occupied. The Democrats have 193 mandates, but a good chance to take the majority. An experience from almost all of the previous congressional elections for half of the presidency is this: The party of the President loses seats. Also currently the for the Republicans, it was clear long before November, and is to be read as a persistent Trend in the polls. So far, virtually all professional forecasts expect The Republicans to lose with a high probability of the majority. It is actually only the question of how grOSS the “blue wave” will be, with the help of the Democrats to bring their candidates to the house of representatives. Or whether at the end but still something is happening and the wave breaks.

elections to the house of representatives

On 6. November, all 435 seats in the house of representatives in the United States. Here is the state of the polls:

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What is the meaning of would have been a success for the Democrats in the house of representatives?

For the Republicans, and a President Trump would mean a success for the Democrats in the house of representatives, their legislative Agenda is not as easily would be able to implement with the majority in both Congress chambers. Without any cooperation between the two parties, nothing more could be done. This can on the one hand, degenerate into a far-reaching Blockade of the legislation (which is likely), on the other hand, it would also be an occasion for Republicans to bind their policy unconditionally to Trump.

Whether or not the Congress of its important task, the Power of the President to restrict and to act as a corrective, then better again meets, is open. Specifically, the Democrats have a majority in the house of representatives an important agent in Hand, to look to the Trump-government more precisely, behind the facade. The various committees controlled by the majority party, and you can determine what you feel is necessary, subpoena documents and witnesses requested. The Democrats are likely to proceed much more aggressive than the Republicans, who had no great interest in digging too deep, if it could harm your President.

As is to be expected that the Democrats would not only a new start-up, to illuminate, in parallel to the ongoing special investigation Trumps a possible collaboration with Russia and Attempts of obstruction of Justice better. You could bring studies to the way, the rich of trump’s business practices, his tax history to the allegations of sexual Assault on women. Thus, new investigations into the allegations against the chief judge Kavanaugh and the end of the nomination process would be possible.

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what are the chances of the Democrats to take the majority in the Senate?

only a third of the 100 seats in the Senate (currently with 51:49 by the Republican-dominated) in the case of each election to the MRP, and the starting position for the Democrats is not the best. You alone will have to defend ten seats in States that went for the presidential election, Donald Trump, half of them with a double-digit lead – the Chance that the Democrats will win everywhere, is relatively low. A total actually all of the choice of duels, after the polls close enough to be considered as open would need to go to the Democrats. And even then, the Democrats would have to retract the one or other surprise victory to the Republicans, the majority to lose weight. Possible such a success from the point of view of the professional forecasts in the United States, but the probability is low. Essentially, it depends on the turnout of the followers of both parties.

Senate elections

On 6. November, a third of the 100 seats in the U.S. Senate. Here is the state of the polls:

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What is the meaning of would have been a majority change in the Senate?

the Democrats Would only take the majority in the Senate, the same rule applies as in the case of a success, only in the house of representatives: total blockade (more likely) up to more willingness to compromise (hard to imagine after the Kavanaugh debate) the impact on the legislative process. With the extremely narrow majority of 51 of the 100 seats, Republicans had, as yet, not completely free Hand, because occasionally, the unity and more importantly lacked: For most of the legislation 60 votes are required. Under certain conditions, a simple majority is sufficient but what the Republicans have done, like, use, your tax cuts without the Democrats to enforce.

A direct consequence of a majority change in the Senate would, in addition, that President Trump would be significantly reduced, if he wants to occupy Offices, which require confirmation by the Senate – yet this went on alone with the support of the Republicans, because a simple majority is sufficient. The Democrats could not only prevent any change of personnel with their votes, the majority leader would also decide when and whether at all is a vote. You will not have forgotten how the Republicans in this way, shortly before the end of Barack Obama’s term in office, Merrick Garland as the chief judge is prevented. And you will not be motivated behaviour, in the same way as the Republicans in the appeal Board Kavanaughs, excessively, to play clean, should be another place on the Supreme Court.

the Democrats Win the majority in both Congress chambers, to potentiate these effects. You can then modify with their own legislation, the policy, at the same time is barely possible: in The end, everything lands on the Desk of President Trump, the power of Veto.

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the elections mark a new “year of women”?

1991 described the then-35-year-old law Professor Anita Hill in the Senate, as the judge candidate Clarence Thomas as a former boss had harassed. Their accusations were made belittled, Hill humiliating and sexist in front of the judiciary Committee, just who was exclusively filled by men. Thomas was eventually confirmed for the Supreme Court. In the following year, so many candidate were elected to the United States in political Offices like never before – a “year of women”, as it was then. The Drama of the appeal Kavanaughs as chief judge shortly before the congressional elections reminds many Americans at the beginning of the nineties: The Republicans tried to give the impression that you were the allegations of sexual Assault by Christine Blasey Ford and other women seriously – in the end, they pushed through their candidates, but in a hurry and taunted the alleged victims.

The conditions for a new “year of the women” were already in front of the Kavanaugh debate ge. For months hinted that would apply in 2018 and a record number of women candidates at all levels of political Offices, driven by the choice of Donald trump and the #MeToo movement. Meanwhile, hundreds of women for the house of representatives, dozens of want to be a Senator or to stay. Foreseeable 30 to 40 of them could sit after the congressional elections, more than 100 women in the house of representatives. In the Senate, where the effect is not quite so clear, you could still sit in the extreme case, so many women like never: 26 instead of 23; goes wrong for the candidates, everything, there would be, in the future, only 16 Senators. For comparison: in 1992, after the Hill hearings, were elected 24 women to the house of representatives, the number of the Senator’s eighth inner tripled from three to nine.

Hardly surprising: most of The candidate-Democrat are on the inside.

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What is the significance of the elections in the States?

In the States the Republicans have to Win in the years 2010 and 2014, currently in far more Offices and parliaments the Power as the Democrats. They were about two-thirds of the governors, and also in about two-thirds of the parliaments of the majority. Thus, the law is characterised in many countries, most recently very conservative. But above all, it is the responsibility of the actors in the Federal States to draw on a regular basis the boundaries of the constituencies. The Republicans have tried in many places to your favor (the so-called gerrymandering), sometimes successfully, occasionally, decisions slowed down by the judge. The Democrats now have the Chance to end the dominance of the Republicans in many States. The next cycle will begin districts for the Review of the election after the election of 2020, and the political landscape, by 2030, to define – even for presidential elections. It is also likely to influence especially in view of the expected paralysis in the Congress in the next two years, the legislation of the Federal States, the lives of many people much more directly than what happens in Washington.

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