In the variety, also of readings, is the taste. That is why we have chosen among the editorial novelties in the field of gastronomy and nutrition a wide repertoire that will surely awaken the appetite for good reading for Easter.

We start with the beautiful pages of Nagori (Peripheral), where Ryoko Sekiguye delves into that feeling that the title evokes, a term that in Japanese serves to express the nostalgia for the end of the season that ends and that invites us to observe life but also the pantry savoring every moment. We stayed in Japan to enjoy another good book from Phaidon Publishing, Japan, Vegetarian Gastronomy by Nancy Singleton Hachisu.

Do not miss the new work of the scientific popularizer J.M. Mulet, We eat what we are (Destiny), and don’t forget to have a pencil handy, because there is a lot of learning to underline. New edition of the Corpus de la Cuina Catalana from the Institut de la Cuina (Ara Llibres), which is always good to have near the kitchen, in case a question arises.

If Óscar Caballero has decided to delve into the biographies and recipes of Las mujeres en la haute cocina (RBA), the new book by Yayo Herrero does not talk about cooking, but we include it because the vision of this activist, anthropologist and engineer leads us to always reflect on our relationship with food and the way to obtain it. This time in Toma de Tierra (Poodle). My First Korean Cookbook (Lunwerg) by Caroline Hwang is part of a delightful collection that introduces us to various culinary cultures.

The New York writer Laurie Colwin (1944-1992) must be read, and the new edition of Home Cooking (1988), in Spanish, A Writer in the Kitchen (Asteroid Books), is the perfect opportunity for those who have not yet enjoyed of his funny, close and at the same time deep prose. The smoked are still history and present. And Between smoke (Planeta Gastro), by Juan Manuel Benayas, helps us get to know them a little better. The magnificent book of vegetables (Five Inks) by Alice Hart, collects interesting recipes based on that “magnificent” vegetable pantry.

Aitor Sánchez, the nutritionist who responds to our readers at Comer La Vanguardia, has just published What about nutrition? (Paidós), where he addresses some of the most debated issues around food. Another regular at Comer, the photographer and cook Ana Casanova, signs the photos of La cuina dels altres catalans (Larousse) by Xesco Bueno. Marc Casanovas, also a collaborator, has dedicated his first book to the figure of an atypical chef, Àlex Montiel: No soc un dels vostres (Ara Pausa). And finally, in Las revoluciones de la comida another journalist, Rafael Tonon, invites us to think about the impact of our decisions when buying, cooking and eating.