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The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya together with the company Fractus have promoted the From Lab to Market program, an initiative whose main objective is to act as a bridge between university research and market needs, from a point of view focused on identification and transfer of cutting-edge technologies. All this with the objective of generating social and economic value.

Fractus is a company recognized for its pioneering advances in antenna technology. It has designed and built together with the Universitat Politència de Catalunya the so-called Fractus-UPC Deep Tech Hub. For the person responsible for the project, Rubén Bonet, president, CEO and co-founder of Fractus, “with the From Lab to Market program, we are focused on bringing cutting-edge innovation from the university to the market with the UPC in an effective way,” he explains, adding that “we want to be the catalyst that turns brilliant ideas into successful business realities.”

As an example of its good functioning, the project provides four innovations developed as a result of research by different groups at the UPC:

All of them have been based on the degree of maturation and protection (via patent) and represent substantial advances in critical areas such as health, telecommunications and the Internet of Things (IoT), among other relevant sectors.

This program positions the Hub as a specialist in technology transfer between the academic and business worlds, transforming ideas into opportunities. This is a program that will gradually incorporate new innovations protected by patent.

For Climent Molins, vice-rector for Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the UPC, the program is “one more step in the activity of the University as an active agent: it not only facilitates technological transfer and growth, but it does so once it has been determined which “They are the innovations that may be more strategic, priority or that have more demand.”

About the Fractus-UPC Deep Tech Hub

The Fractus-UPC Deep Tech Hub was born in September 2022 after a collaboration agreement between the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC) and the company Fractus, with the aim of responding to current challenges through significant scientific and technological advances. that shape the future and have a real impact on our society. Thus, the Hub was born with the vocation of being a dynamic ecosystem dedicated to cultivating innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship. Their work focuses on promoting research, technological talent, knowledge transfer and bringing Deep Tech technologies to the market through their monetization in areas such as mobility and logistics, materials, sustainability, urban planning, information and communication, biomedical engineering and environmental and energy technologies.

Emerged as a spin-off of the UPC, Fractus is one of the first pioneering companies in the development of antenna technology for smartphones, tablets and other wireless Internet of Things devices, and has a portfolio of intellectual property rights of more than 40 inventions protected through more than 120 patents and patent applications in the United States, Europe and Asia.