In 33.333 verses, the poet, the cretan Nikos Kazantzakis wrote in 1938, the continuation of the story of Ulysses: a new epic that brings the hero, after returning to Ithaca, towards North Africa. Odyssey Kazantzakis, the sequel to in the verses of the poem of Homer, comes out Thursday, November 19, for Crocetti editore. A publication is the result of another epic: the seven years of work by Nicola Crocetti, editor and founder of magazine “Poetry” and disseminator of Greek culture, which he has translated the poetry of Kazantzakis, and signed the introduction to the volume.

The Preface is available as the Theme of the Day in the App of “Reading” for smartphones and tablets; and in the insert in the newsstand App is published the interview of Roberta Scorranese to Crocetti, with the incipit of the Song of Kazantzakis, and an article by Daniele Piccini.

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Twenty thousand articles, 468 numbers on the App and pc to Alessia Rastelli

All the content of the App of “Reading” — the most recent number, the Theme of the Day and the Archive with all the outputs (468 numbers and 20 thousand items) — you can now also read from the desktop on pc and Mac. The App you download from the App Store and Google Play from computer you can subscribe to subscriptions.courier.and it, from this page, you can also reach the content. The price includes use on all the three media, it is of 3.99 euros per month or 39,99 the year, with a free week. Readers can explore the Archive with an advanced search engine and print the results from the pc. Those who want to receive notifications, and, every Friday, the newsletter via email (now, for the subscribers, which is visible from the pc).

also available Is the Book 2021 de “Reading”, with texts by Sandro Veronesi, and of the director Luciano Fontana. Newsstand is 9,90 euro plus the cost of the newspaper, or booked on the site primaedicola.en.