Two tourists from the United Kingdom and South Africa and their Ugandan guide were murdered yesterday by a group linked to the Islamic State in Uganda’s Queen Elizabeth National Park, one of the most popular and visited parks in the African country.

Fred Enanga, police spokesman, explained that the fundamentalist group Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), which operates in this country and in the neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo, is responsible for this “cowardly terrorist attack.” Enanga himself, who shared an image of the burning vehicle in which the tourists were traveling, assured that the security forces responded “immediately” and are “aggressively pursuing the suspects.”

The ADF is a jihadist group that originated in 1990 in Uganda but in recent years has taken refuge in mountainous areas of neighboring Congo. Although the gang is responsible for the murder of dozens of people in both countries, in recent years it had not carried out attacks on foreign tourists in this area of ??Ugandan territory. According to local sources, the attack comes after weeks of pressure on the extremist group, as Ugandan troops pursue the gang members through the Congolese jungle.

After the attack, the United Kingdom Ministry of Foreign Affairs has updated its travel recommendations for the region and warns that “the attackers are still at large”, so it asks tourists who are in the area and do not carry out activities to remain on alert. travel until the situation is completely controlled.