Mossos d’Esquadra from the Santa Coloma de Gramanet police station (Barcelonès Nord) arrested a 19-year-old boy and a minor on Monday as alleged perpetrators of a crime of robbery with force in a commercial establishment to steal mobile phones.

Around 2:50 a.m., the agents received a notice informing them that the alarm had gone off in a mobile phone company store on Rambla Sant Sebastià in Santa Coloma de Gramenet. When they arrived at the place, they observed that the blind on the main door was forced open, the interior was in disarray and phones were missing from the shelves.

At the same time, a plainclothes patrol located two boys on the Potosí bridge walking towards Barcelona. One of them was hiding a bag under his shirt. When they detected the presence of the agents, they ran away, but they were able to be caught and detained, one on Paseo Salzereda and the other in Can Peixauet park. In addition, two bags containing six mobile phones and a tablet that had just been stolen were recovered.