It is becoming a more common practice than desired and the sanctions it carries do not seem to deter those who try it. The Glòries Tower in Barcelona woke up this Tuesday invaded by two men who decided that today could be a good day to climb it through the façade. And do it, furthermore, without any type of protection or suitable material for such practice.

According to Betevé, the start of the climb to the city’s tallest skyscraper was early in the morning. The Firefighters received the notification around 8:20 a.m. As is usually done in these cases, both Firefighters and Mossos d’Esquadra have decided to wait for the two adventurers on the terrace of the building and, once they have completed the tower, they have proceeded to arrest them.

An identical situation already occurred in May: the protagonists were also two men and their objective was also the Torre Glòries. Like today, they did not use means to protect themselves either. And like today, they were also arrested.

October seems like a favorable month for these dangerous challenges. In 2022 it occurred twice, and all of them with the same modus operandi: without climbing equipment. Another of the buildings that was the victim of these improvised climbs was the Barcelona Sky hotel, the second tallest in the Catalan capital, also located in the 22@ area.