Today’s human, a headless chicken?

Yes, because we are living in a moment of transition with some very peculiar features.

What traits?

We are afraid of ourselves, the human sees himself as a threat.

Are we not?

We are afraid of not being managers up to the world we live in, afraid that the planet will be destroyed.

It is a founded fear.

One day my grandson comes and tells me: “Iaio, això peta, the món peta!”. The school, which was the place where we were educated to manage the future, now educates in fear of the future. Progressivism has become timorous.

The future is a place of threat.

Indeed, and we speak of a transhuman because we do not trust the human. The West has lived by exceeding its own limits, always looking at what lies beyond.

We want to know more, have more…

We have been living in an orgy of consumerism and the breaking of taboos, what is left?…

Is the orgy over?

Yes, and more clueless than ever. When you are continually questioning yourself about the beyond of the limits (aesthetic, economic, ethical, sexual, moral), you are increasing the sense of the possible. Today the new has more value than the good.


The more the possible grows, the more reality becomes smaller, and we are in that situation, a jibarization of reality devoured by everything that can happen, and we have exceeded the limit of optimism.

Is what could be more important than what is?

Our grandparents were optimistic about the future, and we, look what a paradox, if we go field by field of knowledge, there are notable advances in all of them, but the sum of all this progress does not give us progress with a capital letter.

Are we pessimists?

Yes, but at the same time we believe that everything is possible, so the critical sense has disappeared; Today no one doubts that in the future a man will be able to get pregnant. And there is no catastrophism that we do not believe or hypothesis that does not seem probable to us, and that diminishes reality.

It’s clear.

In fact, the entire debate between gender and sex is nothing more than a debate between the possible and the real.

It all seems like a dystopia organized into elites, masses and outcasts.

Yes, that’s why I get so nervous at school when we give the poor emotional education and not knowledge, it’s the left’s great betrayal of the working class.

Slave ants.

For adults, the question of what are you going to do after the orgy is still valid, for young people it is what are you going to do after the Apocalypse.

What happened to the rebellion?

It has been made comfortable, it is a rebellion to guarantee immediate satisfaction. For me the great rebels are the Spanish mystics.

For example?

María Jesús de Ágreda said that living is about elevating yourself above yourself, that is the rebellious effort. Today we are not on that.

Science doesn’t love us, he says.

When he describes the universe, he tells us that everything tends towards a chaotic future, everything ends and ends badly. This catastrophic image breaks with all the possibilities of the therapeutic philosophies in which we had believed.

Today you find stoics everywhere.

Stoicism believes that in the order of nature are the answers to provide order to your life, but today we do not have those handles.

If there is no nature, what is there?

Science is telling us that the Earth is absolutely provisional, so how can we find solace there?


Let’s be brave: how to accept that life, if we look at it face to face, is a sad search for joy and, despite this, not stop looking for joy, for me that is the challenge.

It’s not very flattering.

We all have behaviors in our biography of which we are proud. Is it possible to project the best of your past as a guide for your future? That is the challenge I pose for non-Christians and for those who do not believe in love.

Is love a fallacy?

In my case it is my world, what would I do without my wife? But you can’t expect to live with someone who will never disappoint you.

We even get tired of ourselves.

Your personality is as big as the pieces of your soul that you have scattered around the world and that are your friends.