The networks have reacted to the presentation of NASA’s Vamos a la Luna ready-to-wear collection with that unanimity that only occurs every year with the song that will represent Spain in Eurovision, to say that it will not win: the pants are traca. The pants that astronauts traveling to the moon will wear in two years, we mean. With so much culture war, so much division and so much, let’s call it by its name, bad blood, it’s nice to be able to find something that unites us.

The comments extend far beyond our country. From France to Indonesia, everyone thinks the same after the sidereal parade: for that they could have gone to the nearest Decathlon and saved money on engineers. Or to Lidl. And the helmets, some point out, are from Wallapop.

Hardly anyone notices, at least in public, that it’s not pants, but overalls, what lunatics will wear, but it doesn’t matter. Too bad the amount of comments that we miss because they are in languages ??that are impossible to identify, as, according to another tweeter, it will happen to astronauts in space if they wear a black suit, which in reality they will not be, but we also wonder here why the space agency has presented a dark model when the one they will wear on the Moon will be white, the same so that it will not stain before the presentation.

A tweeter took the opportunity to say that they remind a butanero of a boat soon and another pointed out that he wore a similar suit when he worked at Repsol, I looked it up on Google and indeed the resemblance is more than reasonable, black with phosphor orange trim, a little more articulated that of NASA.

The usual spoilers are also on the rise: several “if they arrive” question the success of the mission that will return us to our satellite; another points again to the suit: “It is the one that appears in the movies in which astronauts get lost in space”, and one that this writer loves: “Very Armageddon”, although it is not clear if it refers to our future or to the movie And there is also room for conspiracy theorists, who do not miss the opportunity to say that it is the first time the Moon will be stepped on, because the others were lies… Some Scotsman, not because of the suit, but because of the brain, he messes with the fact that among the crew there will be a woman and a non-white man. But they are few.