Maritime Rescue continues this Monday the search for the woman assigned to the kitchen staff of the oceanographic vessel “García del Cid”, of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), who fell into the sea early this Sunday.

The Maritime Rescue media are searching for the woman in the northeast area of ??Dénia, 14 nautical miles away, off the coast north of Alicante and south of Valencia, and have alerted fishing traffic to be alert to the disappearance.

The “Diphda” Maritime Rescue boat (based in Xàbia), a Sasemar 305 plane and two Civil Guard boats are participating in the search work, according to what the public entity has told EFE. During this night they have continued the search for the woman, so far without success.

The oceanographic vessel “García del Cid”, launched in 1979, based in the port of Barcelona and maintained in the port of Vigo (Pontevedra), is a multipurpose oceanographic research vessel, designed for the investigation of fishing resources, which is why it has a laboratory on deck, something unusual on scientific ships.

Classified within the oceanographic fleet as a “regional ship”, it has a length of 37.20 meters and an autonomy of 5,700 miles or 12 days of navigation, and has a crew of 14 people, with the capacity to accommodate up to 12 scientists and technicians. during the development of research campaigns.