The National Police is investigating the possible sexual assault with chemical submission suffered by a 13-year-old girl after meeting a young man whom she met on social networks in the Madrid district of Villa de Vallecas.

The investigation has fallen on the agents of the Family and Women’s Care Unit (UFAM), who are trying to determine what happened to the victim in the young man’s house, as police sources have confirmed to Efe.

The events occurred on Tuesday afternoon when, upon leaving school, the minor met the aforementioned young man, aged 19, who invited her to his apartment.

He did not alert his parents, who that same afternoon reported his disappearance to the National Police, who in turn transferred the information to the guardian agents of the Madrid Municipal Police.

Once in the house, where another man was also present, the young man tried to kiss the victim, to which she opposed. Afterwards, she said, she only remembers having a drink that he offered her.

She woke up hours later lying on a bed in the house, naked, disoriented and with lacerations on her body, police sources have said.

Then, the young man took her to the Valdecarros metro stop, accompanied her to the platform and left. The minor began to cry, which alerted the suburban security guards, who in turn called the Municipal Police.

When they realized that it was the missing girl, they met with her and she told them what had happened.

Given the possibility that she had been the victim of a sexual assault through chemical submission, they notified the Samur-Civil Protection health workers, who transferred her to the Gregorio Marañón Hospital.

The doctors at the hospital center performed the tests established by the protocol for these cases, the results of which will be sent to the UFAM researchers.