The digital era has no brakes and despite the slowdown of technology companies in the last year, they have demonstrated enormous resilience, leaving a clear message: the future is digital.

And recent reports show us that this year alone, more than 5,000 offers related to the tech sector will not be covered, due to a shortage of specialized profiles in Spain, causing a multimillion-dollar loss and slowing the growth of national companies.

For this reason, Nuclio Digital School, a pioneer school in the digital ecosystem and startup, has launched an exclusive initiative, with completely free introductory courses focused on some of the most in-demand areas of the digital sector, such as data science, UX design/ UI, digital marketing, programming and cybersecurity.

With this, it seeks to cover an increasingly notable technological gap, which is being increased by different factors, including emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence.

The shortage of professionals to cover the needs of the technology sector remains evident. Despite increasing digitalization and the progressive incorporation of digital talent into the labor market in recent years, specialization remains crucial and remains scarce.

This fact has been even more evident with the rapid emergence of artificial intelligence, which has been integrated into numerous work sectors, but in a hasty and unprofessionalized manner.

The technology industry requires constant updating, with adaptable professionals and the most recent training; training given by active profiles and that reflects the work reality experienced in the technology sector.

So much so that, without these needs covered, the gap between labor supply and demand will continue to increase. This is evidenced by the different reports carried out by institutions such as the OECD and the World Economic Forum, which estimate that the incorporation of technologies such as artificial intelligence will create more than 12 million new jobs.

And despite the concern about the massive disappearance of jobs with the arrival of artificial intelligence, the reality seems to be completely opposite: a study by ManpowerGroup has made it clear that the percentage of companies with difficulties in filling their vacancies, It stands at 91%, a very alarming figure.

After detecting this gap in the tech sector, Nuclio Digital School has decided to commit to an unprecedented initiative: a digital platform of totally free introductory courses, with updated training focused on the most in-demand areas of the technology sector.

Specifically, on this platform you can find completely free introductory courses in the area of ??data science, UX/UI design, programming, cybersecurity, human resources, product management and digital marketing.

To access them, it is as simple as visiting the website, selecting the desired course and the single payment method. After that, all that remains is to register and in the payment gateway, include the exclusive discount code “NUCLIO”, with which you will receive a 100% discount on the total amount of any of the courses.

This initiative does not stop within the Spanish territory, since Nuclio Digital School offers these trainings completely online and in different languages, championing the digital revolution and education without physical borders: a digital, practical education from anywhere in the world.

With this initiative, there is no doubt that the first stone of a future characterized by innovation and technological growth is laid, which will reach a more prosperous stage and unprecedented advances.