In 2010, Dutch television premiered The Voice of Holland, a musical talent show that was adapted by the American network NBC the following year. After the large audience in both countries, the format spread to a multitude of territories and became one of the great international successes. In Spain, La Voz arrived just a year later, in 2012, from Telecinco with Jesús Vázquez as presenter, and since then it has remained on screen with the exception of 2018, when the format changed channels. Tonight its tenth season begins in its new home for five years, Antena 3, and with Eva González as presenter.

The format was devised by John de Mol (also creator of Big Brother) and is based on established artists choosing from a group of contestants those who stand out for their vocal qualities without their image influencing the decision. The objective of this format is to try to find the best voice in the country. The format has been exported to more than 60 countries and has spin-off versions such as La Voz Kids and La Voz Senior.

In the American version, which has run for 23 seasons, artists such as Adam Levine (Maroon 5), Christina Aguilera, Shakira, Pharrell Williams, Gwen Stefani, Miley Cyrus, Alicia Keys and John Legend have participated as coaches. In Spain, David Bisbal, Rosario Flores, Melendi, Alejandro Sanz, Laura Pausini, Paulina Rubio and Pablo Alborán have participated.

In the tenth season of La Voz, which starts this Friday at 10 p.m. on Antena 3, the coaches are Luis Fonsi, Pablo López and Antonio Orozco and Malú, four connoisseurs of the format who have been able to see what it is like from the inside in previous years. This edition brings an important novelty: super locks, which will make it difficult to get the most desired voices. And each coach will have two opportunities during the “blind auditions” to return to one of his teammates. The super blocking will mean that, once the coach has pressed the red button and is convincing the talent to go to his team, another coach can block him and turn his chair around.

In its previous edition, the Antena 3 talent show remained the leader in its broadcast nights with an 18.6% screen share, significantly improving the data of its previous edition. The program maintained an average of 1.7 million viewers and reached 5.2 million unique viewers in each gala. Its best result was achieved among young people aged 13 to 24, where it rose to 21% average screen share.