The Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism will enable new lines without prior appointment in some ITVs, in the three Valencian provinces, to unblock the current collapse suffered by the service in the Valencian Community. “Meanwhile, drivers are trying to enter because appointments are becoming available,” councilor Nuria Montes said this Tuesday, after meeting in Valencia with the Valencian Association of Consumers and Users (AVACU).

Both the new walk-in lines and the new website that his department is preparing will be ready at the end of the month, he assured. This novelty in the reservation, which will include a payment gateway (which will accept payment with Bizum, PayPal or credit card) to make the reservation before passing the technical vehicle inspection, is one of the mechanisms proposed by the Ministry so that “ All these pirates who want to do business with pirate dates have it much more difficult,” added Montes. “We are working against the clock, the website and the call center will be ready at the end of May,” he added.

Given the collapse, many Valencian users are looking for dates in other territories. In this regard, Montes has estimated the reduction in the number of vehicle inspections that has occurred in the Valencian Community at 20%, a drop that he attributes both to the transfer of drivers to other autonomous communities and to the inspections that professional drivers carry out. in other territories taking advantage of their different trips.

The “contingency plan” for the Valencian Society of Technical Vehicle Inspection (Sitval) presented by the councilor is completed with the hiring of new staff, 90 additional permanent workers to equate the workforce to that which existed before the reversion to the public system and a temporary pool of 250 employees, which will mean a reinforcement of 340 people to try to normalize the situation. “If we were a private company tomorrow we could start hiring, but in a public process the procedure is different,” argued Montes, who described what the Valencian government found when it came to power in July of last year as a “chaotic situation.” . “When we came to government, we found that since March, which is when the reversal was made, practically nothing had been done,” the councilor lamented.

“The most important thing is the safety of our vehicles, but that is not provided by the ITV alone, so let us not leave aside the safety of the vehicles,” said Fernando Móner, president of AVACU, who has asked Minister Montes to The new website has a simple system that is “clear, navigable and very agile” to avoid the falsifications that had occurred when booking appointments.