The Minister of Finance and spokesperson for the Valencian executive of the PP and Vox, Ruth Merino, stressed yesterday that the Valencian government “finds it at least strange that there is an urgent need to also use co-official languages ??when there is a common language that all we understand”.

He said this when asked about the Consell’s position on the request to use co-official languages ??in the lower house. “There is a chamber, which is the Senate, where the co-official languages ??can already be used,” she stressed.

Merino yesterday presented an “institutional declaration” in which the Valencian Council demands that Valencian “have the same official status as the rest of the co-official languages ??of the State”. The approved text, which has been sent to the President of the Government and on duty of the Council of the European Union, Pedro Sánchez, and to the President of Congress, Francina Armengol, is a requirement “in order to respect our history and our culture and centuries-old language, as an essential part of the plural wealth of Spain”, added the spokesperson.

Likewise, the Generalitat has sent a petition to the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, urging him that, “in the face of any petition that affects us, the Valencian language be respected”, he has claimed.

The declaration responds to the decision of the president of Congress on August 17, which will allow the use of the co-official languages ??in the “seat of national sovereignty” citing Catalan, Basque and Galician. Recently, the Valencian expresident affirmed that he had spoken with Armengol and that he had agreed on the name “Catalan / Valencian”; proposal that, according to Merino, the Valencian Council rejects.

The text signed by the Consell emphasizes that “it will not allow another attack” on the Valencian, nor that it be used as a “bargaining currency for those who want to break Spain”. Finally, the Consell recalls that the Congress of Deputies is the constitutional body that represents the Spanish people together with the Senate, where territorial representation is already carried out and where the different languages ??of Spain can already be used.