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The University of Barcelona will host five students from Palestine, primarily women, within the framework of its Transition Course to university studies, an action included within the UB Program to support refugees and people from conflict zones, managed by the Foundation UB Solidarity. This action is aligned with the measures approved by the Board of Directors and the Governing Council of the UB in relation to the motion of support for Palestine approved by the Senate.

The 2024-2025 call for the sixth edition of the course, which will begin in November, provides for the granting of ten grants, of which five will be allocated to students from Palestine, given the serious situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories of the West Bank. and Gaza. The objective of the Transition Course to university studies is to promote the incorporation into the last two years of degree or master’s studies at the UB by refugee students or those who find themselves in similar situations, in the terms defined by the Agency the United Nations for Refugees (UNHCR). Since its launch in 2016, seventy-five people have benefited.

Specifically, the proposal is aimed at non-EU students who are threatened or displaced in their countries of origin, or refugees in countries of first reception or trafficking, and is part of what the UNHCR defines as complementary and safe pathways in resettlement. of refugees in third countries.

What does the help consist of?

The University of Barcelona guarantees selected people comprehensive aid for studies and accommodation consisting of covering the cost of tuition and residence at the UB, a monthly allowance in the amount of two hundred euros, private health insurance, academic guidance and psycho-emotional, psychological and legal assistance.

This initiative is co-financed by the University of Barcelona, ​​the UB Solidarity Foundation and the Directorate of Human Rights, Global Justice and International Cooperation Services of Barcelona City Council.

The deadline for receiving applications ends on June 12, 2024 at midnight.