The Tourist Association of Costa Brava-Pyrenean Apartments in Girona (ATA) has promoted a campaign aimed at tourists to make them aware of the impact that the new Government regulation on tourist accommodation, approved by the Parliament of Catalonia at the end of from last year

They consider that the measure, which in the Girona district would mean the elimination of 40% of the regulated supply (about 17,000 units) in a period of five years, puts this type of vacation accommodation, frequented especially by family tourism, “at risk.”

During Holy Week, the entity distributed flyers with information about this regulation to members of the Girona district, which would eliminate a significant volume of housing for tourist use.

In these diptychs, the sector explains that “given the precariousness of access to housing and in a context of growth in rental demand and increase in population”, the Generalitat approved “with its back to the sector and the territory” a decree law contemplates restrictions on the activity of tourist rental companies.

In the document, in Catalan and Spanish, it is explained that Catalonia has more than 102,000 homes for tourist use, which represents a volume of 574,591 places, 39.4% of the total number of tourist accommodation places in the territory.

They indicate that this figure represents only 2.5% of the total number of homes in Catalonia. “It is such a low proportion that it cannot have any impact on homelessness,” they explain in the document.

In addition, they estimate the economic impact, between direct and indirect, of this type of vacation in 2022 at 21,000 million euros and detail that three quarters of that money are expenses of travelers in other sectors such as commerce, restaurants or cultural visits.

The document also explains that the Girona district will be the most affected by the “drastic” regulation. It will have an impact on 66 municipalities and will mean the elimination of 40% of the supply of regulated tourist housing in the district, around 17,000 units.

They warn that in some municipalities more than 2,000 homes will disappear and that there are towns that have no other tourist accommodation other than apartments. In the district, 75% are second homes. “These are not going to solve the housing problem since the owners will continue to use them during their vacations,” they say.

The ATA recognizes that it can guarantee employment beyond five years without having legal certainty that licenses can be renewed. They estimate that 5,000 jobs would be lost if the regulations that the PP has taken to the Constitutional Court are applied.

The brochures also inform about the political parties that have positioned themselves for and against this regulation. Apart from collecting signatures, the sector has also promoted fundraising in favor of the sector.