The PSN does not want to return to the understanding period with UPN, a time that led to its worst historical results. The socialist María Chivite has met this Thursday with Javier Esparza, president of UPN, and has insisted that she rules out governing with her formation. The regionalists, for their part, have announced that they will not facilitate the investiture of a possible PSN government, with Geroa Bai and Contigo/Zurekin, so that the reissue of this formula will require the abstention of EH Bildu.

The meeting between the representatives of the PSN and the regionalists has been described as “harsh” by the socialists, eloquent of the distance that separates the former allies.

It has obviously not been a meeting to negotiate, but a meeting to establish positions that, on the other hand, are quite clear. The PSN wants a government with its allies from the last legislature, the Basque coalition Geroa Bai (PNV and Geroa Socialverdes) and Contigo/Zurekin (Podemos, IU and Batzarre). Negotiations are underway, although Chivite would need the abstention of another political group for his investiture. All eyes are on EH Bildu, who for the last four years has externally supported the progressive government of Chivite.

The Navarrese socialists, however, want to avoid the image of a negotiation with EH Bildu on the eve of the general elections on July 23, since it could harm their party in other communities. They will not support the candidate of the abertzale coalition in Pamplona, ​​the former mayor of the city Joseba Asiron, and they have opened a gap with respect to this formation.

This need to count on the abstention of the nationalist coalition has become the great argument of UPN, in such a way that the socialists have asked the regionalists to abstain.

“The PSN does not want anything from UPN and is not in a position to request abstention,” Esparza responded, insisting on his argument against Chivite. “If UPN does not achieve certain mayorships, it is because the PSN has an agreement with EH Bildu. For Navarra it is not good that EH Bildu continues to grow ”, he insisted.

The Socialists, for their part, have indicated that their objective is “to leave the right and the extreme right in the opposition”, insisting that the PSN and UPN are “totally antagonistic parties”.

“It has been a harsh meeting, with constant reproaches and we have clearly told them what we have told the public, that we want to form a government with Geroa Bai and Navarra with you”, added Ramón Alzorriz.

The Socialists have announced that in the coming days they will meet with EH Bildu, although they have insisted that they will not negotiate in exchange for abstention. With the negotiations between PSN, Geroa Bai and Contigo/Zurekin underway, the other front that Chivite will have to direct to be invested. The call for general elections on July 23 complicates this process and leads one to think of an investiture after the month of July.