There are fields and professions in which technological changes and advances are more evident and others in which these progresses are slower or, seen from the outside, are not so obvious. Who was going to tell us a few years ago everything we can do now with a simple mobile? In fact, it still amazes us how we were able to “survive” without a GPS in our pocket or we have a hard time remembering what our life was like without WhatsApp. Not to mention that not so long ago telephones had cable… Now, we not only talk about the Cloud as something everyday and we can telework, but we also benefit from other advances that have been taking place around us and of which we hardly we have been aware when, really, they have marked a before and after. This is the case of dental clinics, in which technology has been facilitating the work of professionals and providing great benefits for patients.

Digital technology, specifically, has enabled the existence of intraoral scanners, digital radiographs and 3D images, improving diagnostic accuracy, reducing the radiation to which the patient was exposed and accelerating treatment times, to the while reducing the use of chemicals harmful to the environment. With all this, it has been possible to digitize the complete patient file, including x-rays, which allows specialists to consult all the information in the electronic medical record (EHR), avoiding excessive paperwork and the possible loss of extremely important data. .

Added to all this is the convenience and ease of booking an appointment thanks to mobile applications. Because, let’s face it, we always remember to make an appointment when it’s too late to call the office. Not to mention the bad time that one has when calling to request a visit and there is no time that works for you among those that are proposed to you. Thanks to the introduction of new technologies we can see the available schedules and select, at any time, the one that suits us best.

Now it is the turn of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The introduction of these new technologies in dental practice caused some misgivings and concerns at the beginning. However, as its benefits have become apparent through research and practical application, acceptance among industry professionals has become mainstream.

AI helps dentists diagnose conditions from dental images, plan treatment, automate administrative tasks, predict oral health problems, and educate patients. Improve accuracy, efficiency and patient care.

Impress, the leading orthodontic chain throughout Europe, with more than 160 clinics in eight countries, has incorporated AI into its processes as an added value to the knowledge and experience of its professional team. One example of this is the fully digital workflow for clear aligner treatment. Advanced planning and digital imaging tools personalize treatment with a high degree of precision. All of this speeds up delivery times and reduces costs, making transparent aligners increasingly available to more patients.

As a young brand that has undergone tremendous expansion in a very short time, it knows like no one else the importance of investing in new technologies and the need to incorporate all these advances into its day-to-day life as soon as possible. Today, Impress is a prime example of how digital technology can be successfully integrated into dental practices to offer more efficient and effective treatment options to patients.

From the beginning they opted for aligners, much more effective and respectful than the old “brackets”. What’s more, they broke the myth that aligners could not solve certain problems (from correcting the bite or a gummy smile) and they put themselves in the patient’s shoes when explaining and detailing the treatment they were proposing. This is achieved precisely thanks to new technologies that allow us to obtain a three-dimensional image of our mouth and, from there, calculate the movements of each of the pieces until reaching the final result. Isn’t it a great benefit for the patient to know how and in what time frame he will have that perfect smile that he has dreamed of for years or even decades?

The great improvement of treatment planning and patient outcomes is one of the many fields in which AI is helping dentists, becoming one more tool that experts use to make their work and knowledge even more more accurate. In this way, not only greater efficiency and productivity are achieved, but also exact customization of each treatment step. This is how one of the great challenges of medicine and that some time ago seemed impossible to achieve, today is already a reality in Impress clinics. Times are reduced and also costs, managing to bring dental treatments closer to everyone who needs it.

The advances due to the application of AI in dental treatments are not limited to improvements in the planning and personalization of treatments, to their greater efficiency, speed and productivity and to the reduction of costs that all this entails. They also facilitate communication with the patient. In addition, the orthodontic chain offers its clients remote monitoring of the progress of each case with a mobile application, so that each patient can know their progress at the moment and communicate directly, if necessary, with the orthodontist.

Many of the functionalities of AI in dentistry are focused on improving the customer experience, increasing the quality and precision of treatments and helping the medical team to do so. And it is that on many occasions both aspects shake hands and both professionals and patients celebrate them equally. A good example are the aligners that have made it possible to say goodbye to the “brackets” of yesteryear, because going through an orthodontic process should not be something traumatic like being ashamed to smile, not being able to eat certain foods or having a schedule full of appointments with the dentist. Clear aligners are virtually invisible and extremely strong. Smile, because the future is already in your dental clinic to help you achieve your most perfect smile.