The Royal Academy of Valencian Culture (RACV) will prepare “as soon as possible” and to “recover what existed before” the report on the name of the city of Valencia that the City Council will request from this institution after it has proposed the name Valencia/ Valencia.

This was indicated this Monday on behalf of this entity, Luis Miguel Romero Vilafranca after the meeting that he and representatives of Lo Rat Penat, the Ateneo Mercantil and the Casino de la Agricultura held with the mayor of the Valencian capital, María José Catalá , to talk about the events of October 9.

Romero Vilafranca pointed out after this interview, as spokesperson for the four entities and asked if they have talked about the name proposal for the city approved in the last municipal plenary session by the PP government team and by Vox, that the first mayor He has indicated that “he is going to request a report from the RACV” on the matter.

Luis Miguel Romero Vilafranca has indicated that this “was already done in its day”, but has highlighted that “it will be done again and sent again” to the City Council. He added, regarding the preparation of that document, that no deadlines have been discussed because this Monday’s meeting was “a general meeting.”

However, he stated that the RACV will make the report “as soon as possible.” Asked about the position of this institution regarding the name of the city, Romero Vilafranca asserted that “it is recovering what existed before.” “Not what was put in by the tripartite,” he pointed out in reference to the progressive executive and in defense of the name in Valencian with the accent closed on the e. València, with an open accent, is how the Valencian Language Academy (AVL) says that the name of the city should be written

Also participating in the meeting with María José Catalá were the president of the Royal Academy of Valencian Culture, José Luis Manglano de Mas; the president of Lo Rat Penat, José Vicente Navarro; the president of the Mercantile Ateneo, Carmen de Rosa, and the president of the Agricultural Casino, Manuel Sánchez Luengo.

Before the meeting and during the visit she made to the Grao market, the first mayor explained that the objective of the interview was not to talk about that report but about the events of the Valencian Community Day. Thus, she specified that at the meeting she was not going to formalize the request for that document. “No, not today. Today we are going to talk about October 9,” she said.

“I am not meeting today because of the place name issue, I am meeting for the celebrations of October 9. The Royal Academy of Valencian Culture together with the Ateneo Mercantil, with the Royal Casino of Agriculture and with the Rat Penat all come to work with me on the topic of the commemorative events” of the Valencian Community Day.

María José Catalá has asserted regarding the report that she has announced that she will ask the RACV that “it is a file that continues its progress.” “I am not meeting today because of the place name issue,” she stressed.

“I imagine that the toponym file will continue on its path. At the time it was already said that the RACV would be requested a report, but that is not the reason for the meeting,” the municipal official insisted.