The PSOE will “open a file” on the general secretary of the PSOE in Aragon and senator, Javier Lambán, following his decision not to participate yesterday in the vote on the amnesty law in the Senate due to a matter of “ethical conviction.” This was explained this morning by the spokesperson for the Socialist Group in the Senate, Juan Espadas, in an interview on RNE.

Yesterday the PP used its absolute majority to approve in the Senate its veto – an amendment to the entirety – of the amnesty law, thus returning this rule to Congress so that the Government and its parliamentary partners can lift this veto and it be definitively approved.

After weeks of doubts about what his course would be, Lambán decided not to exercise his right to vote in the Senate to refrain from breaking the socialist voting discipline in the face of a measure with which he has always been very critical, while avoiding being portrayed voting. next to the right bench.

Espadas has assured that yesterday he had “an exchange of messages” with Lambán in which the Aragonese socialist explained his reasons for not voting on the amnesty law in the Senate.

The general secretary of the Andalusian PSOE also commented that his Aragonese counterpart did not “want to oppose the decision that was going to be taken” by the Socialist Group, but that he did not “support” the amnesty law either.

Regarding whether there will be sanctions for Lambán, Espadas has commented that “these situations are written and regulated by the groups” and, “obviously, now there is a process in which a file is opened and Lambán is asked to , “in this case, the explanations or reasons formally why he did not exercise his right to vote and, effectively, the process that is statutorily provided for will be followed.