“The process is not over.” With these words, the deputy secretary of the Popular Party, Elías Bendodo, insisted this Wednesday that the results of the last Catalan elections do not mean the end of the independence process. “His protagonists keep Sánchez in Moncloa and have the key to the government in Catalonia,” so he remains “more alive than ever,” he added.

In this way, Bendodo aligned himself with the postulates defended yesterday by his national leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who initially differed in his diagnosis on how the ‘procés’ remains after the elections with the popular leader in Catalonia, Alejandro Fernández: yes The first warned that “it has not died”, for the Catalan it has been “finished” at the polls, words that he later qualified. “The voters have voted to end the process, but the problem is still there,” he said at the time.

Bendodo spoke today from Zaragoza, where he went to present “The Spain that works”, the event with which his party will launch this Sunday from Malaga the campaign for the next European elections on June 9.

In his opinion, the fact that the PSOE is going to wait until that date to begin negotiations on the future investiture of Salvador Illa is one more sign that they want to “lie” to the Spanish people again. “They want to sneak it in again through the back door with the independence movement,” said the popular one, for whom the priority of the president, Pedro Sánchez, is to retain power. “If he has to maintain himself at the expense of Illa or to promote the independence movement, have no doubt that he will do it,” he added.

Given this situation, he highlighted the “conscientious decision” of the general secretary of the PSOE in Aragon, Javier Lambán, who has been charged by his party for being absent yesterday from the plenary session of the Senate that voted on the amnesty law so as not to incur “an unbearable disloyalty” to himself. In this sense, he pointed out that he hopes that there will be “many more” socialists who, like the wayward former Aragonese president, “act conscientiously and stand up to Sanchismo, which is in discount time.”

In this sense, the current Aragonese president, the popular Jorge Azcón, has shown his “concern” about the lack of coherence of the PSOE, which he has separated from Lambán’s “individual” position, and has insisted that he is interested in knowing the “global” position of the deputies of the PSOE-Aragón on the Amnesty law. For this reason, he is going to promote a vote in the Aragonese Parliament to find out if there are other “repentant” socialists who “would feel uncomfortable” with a law that “all it does is cause inequality among Spaniards.”

Regarding the intentions of the Aragonese Government to present an appeal of unconstitutionality against the Amnesty law as soon as it is approved, something that was endorsed yesterday in a report by the regional Advisory Council, Bendodo assured that they are not going to give “an instruction” in this sense to the rest of communities governed by the popular ones, given that each one has “independence to do what they deem appropriate.”