The PSOE would be the most voted if the general elections were held today and with a comfortable advantage over the PP, which is falling back substantially, according to the vote estimates of the March barometer of the Center for Sociological Research (CIS). The popular ones suffer a drop of practically two points (up to 28%) compared to the February survey and see how the socialist formation escapes 4.7% away. The CIS also reflects a drop in United We Can, after the consequences of the ‘only yes is yes’ law.

These percentages are the result of the calculation method of the institution directed by José Félix Tezanos. However, and unlike the February poll, the PSOE now also leads in direct vote with 23.6%, ahead of the PP (20.9%). Last month, the popular ones surpassed those of Pedro Sánchez in direct intention with six tenths of an advantage.

The survey, to which 3,788 people responded, was carried out between March 1 and 11, so it can reflect the effects of the controversy over the Mediator case, the tensions in the government coalition and the registration of the motion of censorship by Vox.

At the moment, the PSOE does not take its toll on the information that has been emerging around the also well-known “Tito Berni” case and it would win the elections with 32.7% of the votes, which represents a slight increase compared to the last barometer. . The PP, on the other hand, which had achieved an increase in support from January to February, falls again significantly according to estimates.

Unidas Podemos, which was ranked as the third force in Congress in recent barometers, suffers a considerable loss of support and falls to 10% in vote estimates. The CIS granted 12.7% in February and 14% in January to the purple formation, which still has to define the formula in which it will be presented and how Yolanda Díaz, with Sumar, and Podemos will come together. Vox, with 10.1% (similar to recent estimates), snatches third place from the minority partner of the Government.

For its part, Ciudadanos, with its management team already working at full capacity, recovered slightly compared to February and rose 0.4%. Even so, he cannot recover the numbers from the beginning of the year. Esquerra Republicana also experienced an increase in vote estimates and would reach 2.5%, while Junts stabilized at 1.1%. The PNV recovers the ground lost in the February barometer and again surpasses EH Bildu: it would collect 1.1% of the votes, against 0.8% of the nationalists. Más País, by Íñigo Errejón, would obtain 0.8% of the votes.

In the leaders chapter, Yolanda Díaz continues to be the best valued leader, with an average score of 4.89. They are followed by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, who slightly improves his numbers with 4.41, and the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, with 4.28 (down compared to his February note, 4, 3. 4).

Asked who they prefer as president, 22% of those surveyed opted for Sánchez. 15% choose Feijóo, who registers the worst data for him since he became president of the party, while 9.6% opt for Yolanda Díaz.

In terms of confidence, 31.9% say they have a lot or a lot of confidence in the current Prime Minister, compared to the 26.4 that the popular leader generates for them. In contrast, 71.5 of those surveyed by the CIS perceive the former president of the Xunta de Galicia with little or no confidence, while distrust of Sánchez stands at 66.5%.