The PSC grows 50% in the electoral lists of the Girona regions and presents 110 candidacies for the municipal elections on May 28 throughout the demarcation. The party has released these growth data in an act in the Coma Cros de Salt (Girona), where some 600 people have taken part.

The first secretary of the Girona Socialists, Marc Lamuà, stressed that the increase “consolidates the dynamics” of growth of the last elections. It is a sample of “the work done” throughout the territory. “Four years ago we already presented lists in populations where they had not done so for a long time and now we are back. We have the objective of obtaining more mayors’ offices and being a decisive force in the municipalities”, Lamuà underlined.

During the event, all the candidates took center stage, as they walked across the stage to summarize their project. Among them, the leaders of Sant’s list, Joan Martín; Figeres, Pere Casellas; la Bisbal, Óscar Aparicio; Platja d’Aro, Maurici Jiménez and Girona, Sílvia Paneque.

Lamuà has been in charge of closing the act and during his speech he has highlighted that the growth in the number of lists is the result of “the work done” in the province. The first secretary of the party in Girondin regions has also affirmed that during “the Procés”, municipal issues were “cornered” in many municipalities and that “now the country has the urgency to refocus policies on municipal issues”.

“In the programs of many of the socialist candidates, the idea and purpose of governing for the whole world is repeated. Our candidates agree on the clear will to place efforts on issues such as security, care and cleanliness of public space, access to housing, leaving no one behind, the green economy or renewable energy”, he explains. “Our intention is to get the towns up and running, reactivate the municipalities, focusing on solving people’s problems,” he added.

For her part, the mayor of Girona, Sílvia Paneque, explained the main lines of her program of transformations of progress and recalled the need for the cities and towns of Catalonia to get going. “The Catalans chose Salvador Illa as the person with the most votes in the country and I am convinced that the Socialists will be the group with the most votes in the next 28M municipal elections. Setting the country in motion is making our city or municipality the true subject of our policies: ordering the day-to-day and getting started with efficiency, objectives and consequences”, she said. “Wherever we socialists present ourselves, we do so to achieve economic and social progress to improve the lives of our neighbors”, he has sentenced”.

In his speech, Joan Martín recalled the difficulties of recent years and remarked that “far from having weakened, the Socialists are presenting magnificent candidates for these elections and we are stronger than ever and more determined than ever”. For his part, Maurici Jiménez has highlighted “the need to bring the local administration closer to the citizen and for this to be an example of transparency and rigor”.

The candidate for Figueres, Pere Casellas, has highlighted all the responsibilities that the PSC has assumed in recent years and has spoken of “the Figueres that advances”, as a result of “working hard”. Ã’scar Aparicio, for his part, has pointed out “the importance of promoting economically and socially these municipalities that, like La Bisbal, have been stagnant in recent years” and has proposed doing so with responsible, healthy and rigorous management.

Among the municipalities where the socialists present new lists are Torroella de Montgrí, Tossa de Mar, Portbou, Riudarenes, Les Planes, Campdevànol, Vilamalla, Sant Jordi Desvalls, Colera, Pont de Molins, Riudellots, Serinyà or Queralbs.