The Madrid Prosecutor’s Office has appealed the order by which the judge has opened proceedings against the wife of the President of the Government, Begoña Gómez, following a complaint from Manos Médicas. According to tax sources, the public ministry has requested the revocation of this decision and the archiving of the proceedings.

The Prosecutor’s Office has appealed directly to the Provincial Court of Madrid the order by which the head of the Court of Instruction number 41 of Madrid, Juan Carlos Peinado, has agreed to carry out a series of procedures before deciding whether to take criminal action against Gómez for an alleged crime. of influence peddling.

The public ministry was not aware of this matter until yesterday, when it was notified after publication in the media and the opening of proceedings.

The instructor agreed to summon the directors of two media outlets to testify on May 10 due to the information published about the president’s wife, without previously requesting a report from the prosecutor on her origin.

The magistrate has thus given wings to the complaint of Clean Hands, an organization that for years has been investigated and accused of extorting banks and companies although finally its general secretary, Miguel Bernad, has recently been acquitted by the Supreme Court.

The complaint consists of seven pages and is based on information from El Confidencial, a medium that yesterday Pedro Sánchez referred to as “far-right.” In the writing he also referred to other news from media such as Voz Populi, Es Diario and The Objective, the latter in an article confusing Gómez with a woman from Burgos.

The complaint is against Gómez for a crime of influence peddling. According to the union, taking advantage of her status as the wife of the President of the Government, she has been recommending by letter to businessmen who receive public works tenders. She gives the example of a businessman, Carlos Barrabés, who received 10 million in public funds.

He said that the businessman in question set up a master’s degree in which Begoña Gómez participated. According to the complainant, the letters of recommendation triggered the tenders to the businessmen, who had a friendly relationship.

Always based on journalistic news, the complaint also links Gómez with Víctor Aldama, one of the businessmen investigated in the so-called Koldo case, for having received million-dollar contracts from public companies linked to the Ministry of Transportation for the sale of masks in full pandemic.