* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia
In this snapshot in Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia I show you the first springs (flowers) at the source of Bac dels Trèmols, in the region of Osona.
This year the dry leaves coincide with the first springs. And this is a bad sign. These leaves should be shredded, be humus to fertilize the subsoil. What a pity!
The fountain of Bac dels Trèmols is an ideal setting to get to know the flora around Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà. It is an excursion that combines gentle physical activity with botany.
During the tour through this area of Osona we will find all types of marked flora, fountains, shelters, as well as a lime kiln.
This first weekend it seems that winter weather has returned to the region, so the first springs have been found in some areas of Osona with the surprise of even snow.