The PP returns to the streets and will do so on the eve of the 45th anniversary of the Constitution. It will be the first weekend of December and the reason will once again be to say “no” to the amnesty law, when the bill is surely already being processed, for which the PSOE and its partners in Congress have requested the declaration of urgency.

The event, which will be called by the PP, and only by the PP, not like the demonstration last weekend, was announced this Tuesday by the popular leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, in an interview on the Espejo Público program, on Antena. 3, where he reiterated that his party will continue the crusade against the criminal pardon of those responsible for the process, both on the street and in the institutions, Congress, Senate, European Parliament and Autonomous Communities. The PP will return to the streets “to defend equality and the Constitution,” he said.

It will be the first major mobilization of the PP after the formation of the Government and the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, since the popular people called their last events, at the same time throughout Spain, on the weekend of November 12, a complete success, considers the PP, which will continue the mobilizations, preferably outside of Vox, with those who do not want to have a unity of action either on the street or in the institutions.

The president of the PP stressed in the interview that this call for new mobilization does not make him lose sight of his institutional work, and as an example, the plenary session of the European Parliament that the PP has promoted, which has its origin in the European Treaty, which activates the mechanisms of the Union when it is considered that a state “exceeds” the guarantees that a rule of law must have, as has happened so far in Poland and Hungary.

And the battle against the amnesty law is the main objective of the PP in this legislature, which in its opinion is not constitutional, but it is not “moral nor ethical. It is an extreme cacicada, nor is it typical of a democratic country.” . Feijóo stressed that it is not acceptable that in Spain the Royal House has sat on the bench, in reference to Iñaki Urdangarín, and has been convicted and gone to jail, and yet those who have committed crimes of prevarication will go unpunished. , corruption, embezzlement “and they have proclaimed the independence of Catalonia”, all so that Sánchez can be president. “This,” he said, “is not democratic, it goes against morality and is inappropriate for the PSOE.”

Alberto Núñez Feijóo also referred to the new government, announced yesterday by the president of the PP, and of the new ministers he only saves Jordi Hereu, whom he assures that he knows well, and that he is “a hope”, because he is “a moderate person”, who will finally be able to deal with industrial policy, which in his opinion has been abandoned in the previous legislature, and which is very necessary for Spain.

Of the rest of the ministers, he believes that there are eight or nine left over, because he does not understand that state secretariats of the previous Council have become ministries, such as housing and urban agenda, or that the Youth Institute has become a Ministry, or that Equality or social policies, which are powers transferred to the Autonomous Communities, continue to be Ministries.

Feijóo is clear that it is an “activist, militant” government, with “two economic heads” those of the vice presidents Calviño and Montero, and with Óscar Puente as minister, who does not consider it to be a “scourge of Feijóo” but, “a scourge of intelligence and parliamentarism, without a minimum of style”.

But above all the ministers, the leader of the PP highlights that for the first time the ministries of Justice and the Presidency are united, in addition to the competence of relations with the Cortes, which represents, in the opinion of the president of the PP, the culmination of “the maximum politicization of Justice”.

For this reason, he does not expect anything from Minister Bolaños, who considers that his sole mission is to approve the amnesty, and that he will leave the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary in the background. It is not considered that renewal is impossible, but remember that Minister Bolaños “has lied to us” in the previous negotiation “and we have it documented”, when he told the PP that the intention to repeal sedition was not on the table, just when they were going to reach an agreement, and the suppression of this crime with ERC had already been agreed.

Hence, he now leaves in the hands of the Government the possibility and responsibility of having a renewal of the Council, and of the Constitutional Court, he remembers, in which a magistrate must be appointed, but since it is up to the PP to propose it, he affirms, it is not possible. agree. “We want to renew him,” he stated, “but as Europe says, let the judges elect the judges, and the jurists of recognized prestige be chosen by the Congress and the Senate.” That is, “if the independence of Justice is sought, there will be renewal; if Justice is sought to be politicized, no.”

Alberto Núñez Feijóo hinted that his relations with the President of the Government are difficult to rebuild, after the disagreements and clashes they have had in the last year and a half. The president of the PP went so far as to say yesterday that in Sánchez’s expressions such as his nervous laughter in one of his responses at the investiture he noticed “a pathological tic.”

Regarding the changes in the PP, Feijóo maintained that he will make them in the coming days, in a meeting of the PP executive committee, and that it is about adapting the party, not to the fact that Sánchez has formed a “resistance government “, but a leadership of the party in accordance with the responsibility that the PP has, “which is greater than that of the Government, because the Government is irresponsible.”

Some changes in which the biggest novelty will be the separation of the positions of the general secretary from the spokesperson in Congress, which no longer makes sense, and which aims to “strengthen the teams” both in Congress and in the party.