The Popular Party has not spared any reproach when it comes to describing the meeting held this Friday by the acting President of the Government with the representative of EH Bildu in Congress, Mertxe Aizpurua, and has accused Pedro Sánchez of having committed the ” greatest exercise of indignity of any European democracy” in order to remain in power.

The popular parliamentary spokesperson, Cuca Gamarra, has harshly condemned from Logroño that the socialist candidate for the investiture has met with “the spokesperson of a party that a few months ago had 40 convicted of terrorism on its lists, many for blood crimes.” , and has described the photo framed in the round of meetings for the investiture as “the image of the lowest point to which one can fall in politics in our country.”

“All the indignities we can think of are possible if we talk about Pedro Sánchez. If the day before yesterday he was talking to a person convicted of sedition, today he is doing so with a party that does not condemn terrorism. And, predictably, the day after tomorrow he will do so with a fugitive from the justice”, Gamarra has ventured in relation to the call held by Sánchez with the leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, last Wednesday, as well as with a hypothetical meeting with the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont still unconfirmed.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s number three has repeated on several occasions her criticism of Sánchez, insisting that “today is another black day for the history of democracy. It is a black bridge. It is one of those days that we democrats thought would never happen.” We were going to see”.

Within the battery of reproaches, Gamarra recalled that “Aizpurua, convicted of apology for terrorism, represents a party that refuses to collaborate to clarify the pending murders of the gang and that promotes the ongi etorris”, as the welcomes are called to released prisoners.

The PP, as its general secretary, Elías Bendodo, has also stated, understands that the meeting with Bildu means “legitimizing” “the terrorists whom all the constitutionalist parties jointly condemned” and “we told them that without guns they were nobody” but now “Sánchez implores their support and does not even ask them to condemn terrorism.”