Agents of the Mossos d’Esquadra and the Urban Guard of Barcelona dismantled this Wednesday afternoon a drug sales point set up in a rental apartment located in the Raval neighborhood, on the third floor of number 5 Reina street Amalia. The suspects tried to escape by jumping out of the window, but were unsuccessful. One of them took a good blow.

For some time now, a few drug traffickers who are trying to settle on this side of the Ciutat Vellla district prefer to rent properties instead of occupying them, as they did insistently for years, when drug flats abounded. In fact, most even pay the corresponding rents to the owners. In this way, they understand these criminals, make evictions difficult, and hinder investigations.

At the time of the operation on Wednesday, only three people were inside the apartment in question. Another of the new trends in drug trafficking in the center of Barcelona consists of not allowing customers to take drugs inside the flats. This saves trouble and attracts less attention. This strategy is leading to an increase in drug use in public spaces and generating many coexistence problems.

But lately, many residents of the Raval are no longer willing to live with these scourges on a daily basis. These investigations took place over nearly two months. Sources close to the investigation emphasize that citizen collaboration is allowing many traffickers to be put on the ropes.

Those of yesterday threw their doses out the window, and then jumped out of it. We are talking about a third floor. One of them suffered serious leg injuries. He had to be transferred to a health center. He will be arrested shortly. The others were luckier when they fell, but were stopped on the spot. As soon as the agents finished their work, the apartment was returned to its rightful owner.