* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In the cultural center of Can Gruart de Vilablareix, in the Gironès, an exhibition of realistic figurative painting by the painter Jordi Reverter Codina can be seen until June 30.

In this series of photographs in Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia we can see images of the inauguration of a very interesting exhibition, where I was able to enjoy and comment along with the artist on a series of high-level works.

His work is realistic figurative, with a completely self-taught technique, applied in oils and acrylics. His paintings have a rich and varied theme, where we can find themes of the human figure, some realistic, others within fantasy.

Contemporary still lifes or landscapes, studies of volumes, atmospheres and everyday objects. The set is a sample free of tax ties.

Throughout the exhibition it is clearly seen how the artist’s hand wants to experience all pictorial fields. The sample, collects different works where we can see the evolution of the artist.

The work of Jordi Reverter Codina has been seen in collectives in different galleries in the country, as well as in France, Germany and Portugal.