The Pastorets of Ripoll celebrate 125 years of performances in Catalan and claim to be one of the oldest in Catalonia.

“At a time when our language is in danger, it is an added value to have Pastorets that have been made in Catalan for 125 years and that are still valid and strong,” explains Ramon Santanach, director of the production.

This year the performance presents various new features such as the renovation of some costumes and a set. Furthermore, in the performance on December 27, four of the main roles – the angels Gabriel and Sant Miquel and the demons Satan and Lucifer – will be played by women. The Pastorets have also launched a campaign to collect signatures to receive the Cross of Sant Jordi: “We deserve it.”

The Pastorets of Ripoll have been represented in Catalan almost uninterruptedly for 125 years. They only stopped doing it twice, during the seventies and due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This trajectory, they say, guarantees them to be candidates to receive the Creu de Sant Jordi. For this reason, they have launched a collection of signatures to value their “contribution to Catalan culture and the Catalan language”, according to the president of Els Pastorets, Ramon Verdaguer, who also plays the comic character.

This year the representation comes with several new features such as the renewal of the costumes of the demons and the shepherds and also the new dresses for the little demons and bats. In addition, the Nativity set used at the end of the show has been completely renovated.

The Pastorets of Ripoll bring together up to 120 people on stage but more than 180 people participate in the production, according to the director, Ramon Santanach. Another novelty is that on the occasion of the 125th anniversary there will be four performances instead of three -on December 25, 26 and 27 and on January 2-.