The activist and neighborhood leader of the Sants neighborhood of Barcelona, ​​Josep María Domingo, has died this morning at the age of 78, as confirmed by various entities and personalities such as the mayoress of the capital of Catalonia herself.

The Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Barcelona (Favb) has lamented the death of the activist and has remembered his figure as that of an “activist of crushed stone, companion of a thousand neighborhood struggles” and a “historic reference” for his neighborhoods and “for all we”.

Domingo served, for almost 15 years, as president of the Center Social Sants, the neighborhood association of the Sants neighborhood. Although he recently left office, the entity has pointed out to the Betevé chain that he was still closely linked and that he still attended meetings.

In 2016, the city of Barcelona recognized his work and his neighborhood struggle by awarding him the city’s Medal of Honor.

Personalities from the world of politics have also wanted to have a memory message for his figure. The mayor of the city, Ada Colau, has offered her condolences to her relatives through a Telegram message, in which she stressed that he was “a man who always worked to improve the neighborhood and the city. One of the essentials, a very dear neighbor whom we will miss”.

The socialist Jaume Collboni has also had a memory after the death of Domingo and has recognized the legacy left by an activist “who could always be counted on”, according to the former councilor. “He was the promoter for decades of almost all the neighborhood struggles, demands and transformations of Sants and La Bordeta”, he added. Burial will take place on Thursday at the Les Corts Funeral Home.