Who doesn’t want a job for life? Or know that certain conditions are guaranteed in a stable way? Being a civil servant is an essential future option for many people, since it allows access to a labor market where it is difficult to enter but very grateful to maintain.

Given the complicated economic comings and goings of the last decades, practically no sector is safe from bubbles that end up bursting, jobs that seemed like the most and are no longer needed, and the need to constantly retrain to continue being attractive in the world of work. from today.

However, in the face of this chaotic environment, the option of studying for competitive examinations and being an administration official stands out, a path that still in 2023 continues to offer stability that is very difficult to find in private companies and that for many is worth dedicating years and years to. of effort to finish accessing.

The latest forecasts from the General State Administration are not encouraging for the health of the Spanish civil service: in 10 years practically 60% of the workforce will retire and only around 40% will maintain their position, which leaves it up in the air if needed a makeover of many aging stalls.

Of a population of some 47 million people, more than 2.7 million are public officials -according to data from the last year-, with a trend that has been growing gradually but with variations: state and municipal officials have been reduced, while the regional ones have been growing little by little to maintain the figure and not to fall (Central Personnel Registry).

On the other hand, Spain continues to be a country with a large presence of older civil servants: 46% of public workers in the state are over 55 years of age, according to OECD data. In this way, Spain ranks as the second country with the oldest civil service, only behind Italy.

Taking this factor into account and that the average retirement age for civil servants in Spain is around 61 years (in the overall Social Security calculation the figure is approximately 64 years), it is clear that the forecast is that many of the public posts are vacated by the withdrawal of thousands of civil servants.

The goodbye of these officials with more years opens the door to study to be part of the public administration and replace the free positions. Resorting to training is the best option to opt for these positions and to be able to get a stable, well-paid job without the chaos of private companies.

The preparation of Oppositions to Administrative Assistant of the State offers you exhaustive training that will provide you with all the necessary resources so that you can obtain your position as a civil servant. You will have adaptations of the agendas to the tests, mock exams and preparation so that you can pass all the tests successfully.

Another highly demanded exit is the Early Childhood Education Opposition, with a preparation that prepares you to successfully pass the early childhood education tests, and for this you must learn to carry out a theoretical approach to child psychological development from its different areas, including development. social, psychomotor, cognitive and creative of the child.

You can also resort to the preparation of Psychopedagogy (Secondary Opposition), where you will have the possibility of having mock official exams, permanently updated material, taking advantage of the virtual campus, public speaking practices and many more advantages that will make you enjoy this experience and that, mainly , you manage to pass the oppositions and have better job opportunities.