The three detained, two women and a man, on Wednesday night on the fifth floor of the Can Ruti hospital, for illegal possession of weapons, threats and leading one of the two sides that clashed in the health facility will be transferred this Friday to judicial provision. The brawl, between two branches of the Fernández and Amaya clans, specifically the bugs and the angelillos, ended in an exchange of insults and many threats; but it could have been much worse if the security protocol of the hospital did not work first and the security device of the Mossos d’Esquadra and the local police of Badalona and the rest of the neighboring municipalities that helped contain the people who They wanted to join the fight.

It will be difficult for this Friday, when the three detainees are brought to justice, to tell the judge and the prosecutor about the start of the brawl. What is known is that a 29-year-old woman was admitted to room 504 accompanied by her family. Apparently, and according to the evidence collected by the police from the few witnesses who wanted to speak, members of another gypsy and rival family have gone to the same hospital, due to some distant conflict, from years ago.

The conflict dates back to 2017, a shooting on Marquis de Montroig Avenue. In that confrontation, two members of the bug clan shot the members of the angelillos. There were no deaths, but injuries, and a police complaint by the victims ended with two detainees who are serving sentences and who are currently on prison leave. Coincidence has meant that precisely on that fifth floor of Can Ruti it coincided that there was a member of the angelillos admitted and other members of the bugs who were going to visit each other.

As it were, both groups have begun to threaten, insult and insult each other in the hallways of the fifth floor of the hospital, with some of the participants displaying firearms, as well as razors and knives. Can Ruti’s security personnel have activated the prevention device, first alerting the Mossos, who have immediately deployed police patrols.

When the citizen security Mossos arrived at the fifth floor, they managed to isolate the members of each of the sides in two different spaces on the fifth floor. It must have been eight in the afternoon at that time.

Members of both sides have been searched by agents. At first, only some of them still kept a pocketknife, knives and an extendable baton in their fanny packs and pockets. But the weapons did not take long to appear. In the closet of the 504 patient’s roommate, they had hidden a silver Star with the serial number erased and six cartridges. While another of the detainees handed over a black Crvena Zastava pistol with six cartridges that she said she always carried with her because her husband was shot years ago and she preferred to be prepared. The woman also assured that at no time did she display the weapon in the brawl. The weapon, like the previous one, also had the serial number completely erased.

While the police were carrying out the three arrests of the three people who were accused of possessing weapons, a member of the other group asked his six-year-old son to call the people of the neighborhood to come to the hospital. And that’s what happened. In a few minutes, vehicles began to move from the Sant Roc neighborhood in the direction of the hospital center to join the brawl. To the point that the Mossos had to request reinforcements from the region’s Arro to stop the people who had already arrived at the doors of Can Ruti and wanted to go up to the fifth floor, where the two clans were still isolated from each other.

One of the women who later appeared at the hospital and who could be identified and searched carried around twenty items in a supermarket plastic bag, including razors, large knives, wrenches, daggers, cutters, screwdrivers, and pepper sprays. and even scissors. Even the six-year-old boy whose father had made him call relatives to go up to Can Ruti carried a ham knife that he claimed his father had given him to defend himself.

Around two in the morning, the police had already managed to clear the hospital premises and the surrounding area, and maintain a strong force in Sant Roc that was maintained this Thursday, in the face of threats. The police reinforcement will continue this Friday in the courts due to the possibility that relatives of the three detainees will travel there.

Yesterday afternoon, Manuel Cortes, a man of reference and respected by practically all the clans of Sant Roc, called a meeting at six in the afternoon with representatives of the two families to try to reach an agreement and end the escalation. of threats.