The Madrina Foundation, an organization dedicated to the protection of children and women, has expressed its “deep sadness and indignation” over the death of the three-month-old baby found lifeless in a container in the Madrid district of Barajas.

In his opinion, this news highlights the “urgent need” to implement measures to protect the most vulnerable children and recalls that, in its 24 years of history, the entity has known several cases of abandoned children, one alive, but “Unfortunately, most of the time the baby appears dead and the perpetrator of the case is unknown.”

Godmother has also influenced the increase in vicarious violence suffered by minors at the hands of one of their parents, as another form of violence.

According to a report from the organization, corresponding to the year 2023, 35% of cases of baby abandonment are caused by the abandonment of their partners, due to loss of employment (in 25% of cases), threats of their families and environment (30%), the absence of social support and aid (10%), the mental health of one of the parents (10%) or cultural reasons of specific ethnic groups, due to the fear of exclusion family, even death (in 5%).

Given these data, the organization has called for measures such as early and specialized care for mothers with mental health problems; the existence of a maternal and child support network for mothers in vulnerable situations; the protection of minors of women victims of gender violence and the expansion of social aid and family support

Likewise, Madrina is committed to implementing social and legal prevention measures to prevent child abuse, greater social and political commitment in relation to the protection of children, increasing resources for at-risk and vulnerable minors and increasing the resources for the special protection of vulnerable minors and especially victims of gender violence.

Finally, they propose eliminating the guardianship or parental authority of the parents in cases where a judge assesses the serious risk to the lives of minors.