The president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid, Ángel Asensio, stressed this Tuesday the importance of there being “political stability” and institutional in Spain for the development of the business fabric and has indicated as the objectives of the chamber the reduction of the tax pressure, better financing for SMEs and the commitment to digital transformation.

Asensio has starred in an informative breakfast, organized by Fórum Nueva Economía, where he has praised the Government of the Community of Madrid for having done its job “well” and the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, for a “brave” policy when it comes to taking decisions.

He has assured that Spain is experiencing a situation of economic “uncertainty” due to the “slowdown” of the economy in this second half of the year and has opined that “a country without strong institutions is a weakened country”, so “putting them at risk is put our future at risk”, in a veiled allusion to the conversations between the PSOE and the Catalan nationalists to obtain their support in a possible investiture.

Regarding the economic context, Asensio sees “a drop in consumption” as well as foreign trade; “persistent” inflation and the tightening of monetary policies, an issue that “affects domestic investment” and companies.

“We are suffering from an inflation that is more of supply than demand and that means that the classic recipes are not the ones that work,” he diagnosed, before stating that one of the “fundamental levers” of the economy is domestic demand, which generates “ growth, investment and employment”, which is why he has advocated for the European Central Bank to “relax monetary policy”.

Asensio has contrasted the situation in Spain with that of Madrid, where the forecasts “are positive for companies” in a community that is “at the head of the generation of companies and employment” despite the “general moderation”, al time that has celebrated some regional legal norms, such as the Omnibus Law.

In addition, it has marked some of the objectives of the Madrid Chamber of Commerce and Industry, among which are the fight to reduce tax pressure, better financing for companies, especially SMEs, the commitment to transformation digital, or generate added value.

Finally, Asensio has warned that although Spain has a lot of money, European funds “are not reaching companies at all”, which is why he has urged the Government of Spain to distribute them.