* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In this way that we see in Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia, it has been possible to contemplate the sunrise in Cardona, with a palette of orange colors, a harbinger of another spring day.

As part of the phenomenon of scattering of sunlight, in the morning hours, when the sun is closest to the horizon, the light that reaches Earth is soft tones between red and orange.

The candilazo is, then, a meteorological phenomenon in which the clouds in the sky show a wide palette of colors that goes from pink to the most intense orange.

In this case, the color of the sky is combined with one of the heritage elements of Cardona, a town where the imposing castle stands out, a true emblem of this town. And it is not for less, since it is probably the most important medieval fortress in Catalonia.

It is located on a hill that dominates the saline valley and the Cardener valley, as can be seen in the snapshot. It was built in the year 886 by Wifredo el Velloso. Romanesque and Gothic in style, it includes the so-called Sala Daurada and the Sala dels Entresòls.