The King received Prince Albert of Monaco at the Zarzuela Palace, with whom he had lunch on the eve of his guest’s trip to Cantabria, where tomorrow he will visit the future Puente Viesgo Cave Art Center and the Monte Castillo caves.

The Casa del Rey has released images prior to lunch, in which Felipe VI can be seen at the moment in which he receives Alberto de Mónaco as soon as he gets off his vehicle, at the gates of the palace, where both have subsequently posed smiling.

Tomorrow, Sunday, the prince will be able to learn about the cultural project of the Rock Art Center and then he will go to the caves of Monte Castillo, in what will be his second official trip to Cantabria after the one he already starred in 2010.

The president of Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla, will accompany him on his visit to the facilities that the regional government is finalizing.

Revilla invited him to meet them to strengthen the ties of Alberto de Mónaco’s family with this cave complex, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2008.

In fact, his presence in the enclave is part of the commemoration of the first centenary of the death of his great-great-grandfather Alberto I, who stood out for his patronage in the study of the caves he visited in 1909 and 1914.