The judge investigating Begoña Gómez, wife of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, for alleged crimes of corruption in business and influence peddling, has summoned two businessmen and officials of the public entity to testify as witnesses, who He granted them aid.

The head of the investigating court number 41 of Madrid, Juan Carlos Peinado, summoned Juan Carlos Barrabés on June 7, professor of the master’s degree at the Complutense University that Gómez co-directed and owner of Innova Next, which, according to journalistic information , would have benefited from this aid from after the mediation of the wife of the head of the Executive.

The day before, June 6, he summoned Luis Martín Bernardos, who was president of the Barrabés group and administrator of Innova Next until 2022. That day David Cierco, who was general director of until 2021, and his replacement, will testify. Alberto Martínez Lacambra.

According to various information, Begoña Gómez, as co-director of a Complutense master’s degree, signed two letters of support for Innova Next in two contests in which Barrabés’ company obtained public aid from that organization.

He has also summoned Luis Prieto and Ignacio Espejo-Saavedra, director of Digital Economy and deputy director of the Legal Department of, respectively, for the 6th.

The judge has summoned these people after receiving a report from the Central Operational Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard in which he points out that he has not found evidence of the crimes that Manos Limpas reported and for which the judge has opened the investigation.