Ciempozuelos will finally see its uncomfortable skyline modified. The City Council has confirmed that the demolition of the unfinished building known to its neighbors as the skeleton, a concrete structure created in 1974, will take place this Thursday.

Although its demolition was scheduled for last May, through the detonation of explosive charges, the City Council decided to postpone the detonation after requests from a series of neighbors who alleged “the existence of a colony of swifts inside that are in full force.” breeding season”.

Now, after guaranteeing respect for the nesting of the swifts, work has been carried out jointly between the Department of the Environment and the Flora and Fauna Area of ??the Department of the Environment of the Community of Madrid, which has given the go-ahead. to be able to carry out the demolition this Thursday, at 5:00 p.m.

In this way, residents who wish to do so will be able to come to witness this “historic moment”, because an area will be enabled outside the perimeter security space that will be delimited by the Local Police.